2D23D is an online application designed to simplify the process of creating structural models from boundary curves.

By uploading just a perimeter outline, a parametric structural model is generated, along with its required volume and potential costs. The results are then
provided in downloadable format.

Follow these simple steps to create customized structural models based on your boundary curve.

  1. Upload Boundary Curve: Start by uploading the boundary curve you want to use. You can do this by selecting the file from your device.
  2. Adjust Parameters: After uploading the boundary curve, customize your structural model by adjusting parameters like column sections, distances between columns, floor heights, and the number of floors.
  3. Visualize Changes: See your model update in real time as you adjust parameters. This allows you to visualize how each change impacts the overall design.
  4. Review Data Insights: Review data insights such as volume and cost to inform your decisions.
  5. Download Your Model: Download your customized structural model in 3DM format for further analysis or sharing.