Giovanni Perotto

Giovanni Perotto currently works at the Department of Nanophysics, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. Giovanni does research in Materials Physics, Materials Science and Experimental Physics. He’s leading research projects on the use of proteins for drug delivery and as materials for technology (electronics, magnetics). He’s also working on development of bioplastics from sustainable resources like vegetables, textile and protein waste.

The Digital Matter Research studio is In collaboration with Italian Institute of Technology, Smart Materials Group: The group of Smart Materials is based at the central research facility of IIT in Genova. The research of the group deals with the development of new composite materials combining various polymers and changing their properties by introducing nanofillers or organic molecules in the matrices. Smart Materials Group works on both the control of the chemistry and of the structure of the materials they develop, in order to achieve precise properties adjusted to the needs of various application fields. Since polymers are the main building blocks of the materials that Smart Materials Group fabricates, they have intensified their efforts in using natural polymers principally of plant origin or biodegradable polymers, in order to develop new advanced composite materials with accurately modulated properties but at the same time with minimal environmental impact.