
The project’s goal is to create a tensile shaded seating arrangement in which the tensile member bends to provide shade below depending on whether someone is seated there and whether it is day or night.


A cable that is being tugged by a servo motor causes the tensile member to bend. And two conditions are met to enable the servo motor. 1) When a human approaches the proximity sensor, the circuit is activated, as indicated by the red led. Also 2), the LDR sensor activates the servo and bends the shade if it receives daylight. For the servo to activate and provide bending movement, both requirements must be satisfied.

Neutral state – when no one is sitting, the led is off and no bending.
Bent state – When someone is near to seat (near ultrasonic proximity sensor) the led turns on and when the day light is falling on LDR sensor, the servo pulls the cable and bends the tensile shade.

Bill of Materials

