Introduction to Programming and Physical
My student colleagues from Valldaura having their own yard where they grow vegetables. Due to the various species of animals, such as wild boars and rabbits they have big casualties of the harvest. This Sonar- Alarm starts to work a when the sun sets and the LDR-Sensor overcomes a certain value which has to be determined. When the tracker is active a red LED is lightning on. If now the causality happens that also the nocturnal active animals come close to the field a sound gets emitted by the Piezo Buzzers. This sound is increasing its frequency and volume as the animals get closer to the critical areas.
Electric Circuit
Future Steps
The future development of this device implements multiple sonar sensors as well as a digital screen to detect, categorize and visualize the the size of the captured animal. Therefore has to be considered the trigger and the echo angel of each sonar sensor. If multiple sensors intersect from one close source the average size can be determined by distance and angle of the sensor.