this thesis project is part of a collaboration with Finsa, an industrial partner of IAAC. Together, we are working on developing innovative composite materials that can be processed using cutting-edge pressing technology provided by another industrial partner. This technology relies heavily on the presence of cellulose, as its functionality is directly tied to the cellulose content in the materials.

Research Question
How can agricultural biowaste materials be used to create composite panels that enhance lightweight properties, durability, and waterproofing for interior applications?

So, we can see that Spain has a big potential on providing these types of wastes.

The main focus here is on the concept of upcycling rice husks and corn cobs to create greater value. While converting them into biomass for biofuels or energy production is a beneficial use, this proposal goes beyond this by exploring broader applications that can significantly enhance the potential of rice husks and corn cobs. This approach aims to unlock higher-value uses for this agricultural waste, maximizing its impact and sustainability.