blending 3D Printing and natural growth dynamics of mycelium coated with concrete during construction phase for large lightweight structures
Using 3D printing technology combined with a mycelium mixture to print a double layer wall, and coat the outer parts of the wall with liquid concrete. The characteristics of mycelium growth and concrete inhibition of mycelium growth are utilized to obtain a controllable lightweight wall. During construction, the mycelium will grow inside the double layer wall, while being enveloped and protected by the outer concrete shell. Small units come together to create a large scale structure that is lightweight and strong.
- Mycelium structures, just by themselves have proven to be weak for architecture and get destroyed easily
- Mycelium composite material is lightweight and potential to multiply and create large scale structures
- mycelium growth needs space, so porous structure is better for its growth
- How to make mycelium composite material stronger
- How to utilize the natural growth of mycelium to strongly bond between the stacked units
- How to provide more space for mycelium growth, to get more hyphae to make the structure stronger during assembly