Sants is a neighbourhood located in Barcelona, and Carrer de Sants is a high street in the eponymous neighbourhood of Sants. It is the main street of the district and the longest commercial street of Europe. Our building that we have chosen, Casa Jaume Estrada is located on this lively street.

Casa Jaume Estrada, Carrer de Sants

Casa Jaume Estrada and its ornaments

Abstract and Concept Statement

Cities have built a disconnection towards pedestrians as the areas of movement are designed for vehicles and vehicular movement. Vehicles are a major contributor to the urban heat island effect causing pollution, heat and overall discomfort to the street environment. 80% of the rise in global emissions over the past 50 years is a result of vehicles. More space should be given to the pedestrian and taken from vehicles.

Carrer de Sants is the longest commercial street in Barcelona with many shops and cafes to offer the passerby. Though the street also suffers from the phenomena of offering cars more space,it only does so during the week time. One of the special factors of the street is that the road is closed to vehicles on the weekend from the morning to the night time which means that pedestrians can roam about and claim the space.

The project’s aim is to look at Carrer de Sants and improve the human experience by deploying an ‘oasis’ over the street that interacts with the human movement and the surrounding environmental factors. Some features of the ‘oasis’ will be a canopy made with air cushions that can shield harsh light from the sun, while the columns that feature plants will be able to filter grey water and simultaneously cool the building temperature. 

This is a system that is able to work both during the week and the weekend in different ways according to different conditions in order to improve and build a healthy environment for carrer de Sants 

Street Analysis

Carrer de Sants Weekday/Weekend

Metabolic Diagram

Building Transformation

Weekday – Sun Analysis
Weekday – Cushion inflation according to sun position
Weekend – Sun Analysis
Weekend – Cushion inflation according to sun analysis
Weekday – Sun Analysis
Weekday – Cushion inflation according to sun position
Weekend – Sun Analysis
Weekend – Cushion inflation according to sun analysis
