In this seminar, you will be introduced to conceptual perspectives around machine learning, dataset design and feature encoding.


Data Encoding Seminar 



Machine learning algorithms offer an alternative modelling paradigm for complex problems. Differently from analytical models where processes are computed using iterative time-based heavy calculations and pre-assigned property parameters, machine learning models learn by example through searching for an approximated relationship between the inputs and the targets. Once trained, they can be easily deployed within a design-to-fabrication workflow to offer predictions. While these models promise advantages and productivity, they are notoriously data-hungry. Many open source datasets are available online for training of state-of-the-art models, however these datasets are not relevant for architectural applications.

Source: Hesham Shawky & Cami Quinteros –  Imaginary Vessels.

Dataset design is the enabler to using Machine Learning algorithms in different fields. While an existing ecology of algorithms provides architectures suitable to specific types of problems be classification or regression, the models must be trained on datasets that are specific to the problem they are expected to solve. They can be compiled through web-scraping, or be generated, either computationally through heuristic algorithms, or through sensing and digitising physical samples. Dataset design requires several criteria to be followed: Increased sample diversity, bias avoidance and ambiguity avoidance. These criteria ensure that the problem is well represented, with equal distribution and without confusion.

In this seminar, you will be introduced to conceptual perspectives around machine learning, dataset design and feature encoding. Through direct hands-on experience, you will explore the usage of machine learning for your project. You will be tasked to develop a computational workflow to produce a dataset and train an adequate model for your predictive task. Through the study of the parameter space and feature distribution and representation, you will propose a dataset encoding method, and evaluate it through the training of shallow models as well as artificial neural networks, and represent the predicted outcome in the design space. This is an occasion to step back from “mega-models” such as LLMS and Diffusion Models, and build a foundational understanding of the basics of ML. 


Learning Objectives 

At course completion the student will:

  •   Become knowledgeable of fundamental machine learning concepts and workflows.
  •   Understand notions of parameter space, data encoding and feature selection
  •   Acquire competences in developing custom datasets for architectural application
  •   Acquire competences in feature engineering (dimensionality reduction, data analysis)
  •   Acquire a hands-on experience in using state of the art machine learning libraries
  •   Develop appropriate representational methods and tools to showcase your findings
  •   Collaborate effectively within a group-working exercise


Faculty Assitants

Projects from this course

Barcelona Program

Block Classification This project aims to classify urban blocks in Barcelona, focusing on the districts of Saint Martí and Eixample, based on their dominant functions. By identifying the primary uses of these urban blocks, we can gain insights into the spatial organization and functional distribution within the research area. Saint Martí and Eixample, two vibrant … Read more

Bamboo Curvature – By predicting Deflection

Our project harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to predict the deflection and curvature of bamboo elements, aiming to enhance their structural performance in various architectural and engineering applications. This innovative approach allows us to anticipate how bamboo will behave under different loading conditions, ensuring safety and efficiency in design. By predicting the deflection and … Read more

The 15-min Cityblock @ Adelaide City

The 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide(South Australia), initiated in 2010, aimed to shift away from urban sprawl by fostering a more condensed, pedestrian-friendly urban landscape. The plan emphasised revitalising current neighbourhoods, focusing development along transit routes, and introducing mixed-use areas to connect jobs, services, and public transit with residential zones.  Recognising the unsustainable nature of … Read more

Chair ErgoScore

We have 2 target approaches : In the first approach we Test some of the relevant human Anthropometric measurements with a chair parameters and predict the Ergo Class. The second approach is to input the Human Anthropometric measurements with the desired Ergo Class and predict a range of chair parameters matching this Ergo Class. For … Read more

Daylight Factor Predictor

This project is the final submission for our Data Encoding course, where we learned the fundamentals of Machine Learning. For this project, we were required to use only numerical features, meaning all training data for our Machine Learning model had to be in numerical form. This involved encoding architectural and spatial features into numbers. “Daylight … Read more


Studying migration is crucial for urban planners and architects to anticipate and accommodate the influx of people into cities, ensuring the development of robust infrastructure that can support this growth. As migration patterns shape demographic changes, understanding these trends allows cities to plan for adequate housing, transportation, healthcare, and educational facilities. This foresight is essential … Read more


The LegoLizer Vision The core idea behind LegoLizer is to train a machine learning model that can predict and evaluate the use of specific modules to achieve a certain geometry.In this exercise, we use LEGO modules to train and predict on our features. This project leverages the power of computational design and machine learning to … Read more

Predicting Adaptive Reuse Cost using Urban Data

Adaptive reuse is gaining traction as a key strategy for urban regeneration and sustainability. This approach repurposes existing buildings, conserving resources and preserving cultural heritage. However, challenges such as economic viability and technical difficulties often complicate these projects. This is particularly evident in urban centers such as Los Angeles, where the re-purposing of heritage buildings … Read more

Project H.E.A.T

Heat Evaluation Assessment Techniques An Urban Heat Island (UHI) is when a city becomes much hotter than the countryside around it, due to the built environment and human activities. Predicting UHI is more efficient as it utilizes data models to estimate outcomes, eliminating the need for labor-intensive direct measurements, extensive data scraping, and complex mathematical … Read more

Temperature prediction in Argentina

Insights into the effects of weather data in Argentina, with implications for sustainable land management, deforestation and conservation policies, agriculture, industry and economies. Climate change, in particular the decrease in precipitation, is predicted to have significant effects on the living conditions in Argentina, affecting agricultural production, sea level rise, hydroelectric energy. The dataset composition consists … Read more