Dancing plant is a project of IAAC, the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA01) 2021/22 by student: Sebastian Oliver Dahl; faculty: Angel Muñoz; faculty assistant: Shahar Abelson.

The dancing plant is a playful amplification of the reach of 8 motors. The plant has two modes: one is the eagerness level of the plant being decided by an ultrasonic sensor. The other sensor is completely digita. The 8 servos are recreated within a python script where a simulated flock of birds will fly around inside a constrained squre. Whenever one or more birds fily into one of the servos areas it will register the brid by flashing a red light locally inside the script. This is visualises via a gif produced by the script. They are different every time, and it connects to the Arduino via the pyfirmata script that is found inside Arduino software library.