Introduction to Physical Computing-Term I

CONCEPT : The basic concept of the project was to use the servo motor, ultrasonic sensor & sound sensor. With the ultrasonic sensor the distance of an object will be detected and the servo motor will rotate from 0 to 90 degree and the door opens .Then the sound sensor will detect the sound of a clap and will turn on the lights in the room. 

Door open close when an object is near it (human)
Led turn on
Clap once
Servo + ultrasonic sensor connection
Led connection


int trig=6;

int echo=5;

int dt=10;

Servo servo;

int distance,duration;

void setup() {

  // put your setup code here, to run once:






void loop() {

  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:



  if (distance < 50){








void calc_dis()


 // int duration,distance;

  digitalWrite(trig, LOW);






  distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;



//  return distance;


When the object ( human ) is less than 50 cm away from the sensor the door will open and will stay in the open position for some time , and will close when nothing is detected.

define sensorPin 7

define LED 13

int soundValue;
int lastSoundValue;
long lastNoiseTime = 0;
long currentNoiseTime = 0;
long lastLightChange = 0;
int ledStatus = LOW;

void setup() {
pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT);
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
soundValue = digitalRead(sensorPin);
currentNoiseTime = millis();
if (soundValue == 1) { // if there is currently a noise
if (
(currentNoiseTime > lastNoiseTime + 200) && // to debounce a sound occurring in more than a loop cycle as a single noise
(lastSoundValue == 0) // if it was silent before
){ ledStatus = !ledStatus; digitalWrite(LED, ledStatus); lastLightChange = currentNoiseTime; } lastNoiseTime = currentNoiseTime;


lastSoundValue = soundValue;

The lights in the room light up when you clap once , and shut when u clap again .
Final video