A musical, industrial & residential, advanced ECHOlogical project

Structure > Case studies – Timber structure | rammed earth | pre-cast rammed earth

The overall structural scheme is placed on a 4x4m grid with a rammed earth basement and a timber frame on top. It is organized through separated building blocks with various hights, each having a rammed earth base with large industry at the bottom, public spaces or light industry on the elevated ground level and small cores of pre cast rammed earth in upper levels with housing around them.

For the purpose of the module only one building block has been looked at in depth which will later be multiplied allover the plot.

Concept > Structural massing
Concept > Plans | Program
Structure > Digital model – Unit section
Structure > 1:50 sectional model
Structure > Unit sections
Structure > Unit plans 
Materials > Wall buildup – Overall scheme
Materials > Wall buildup – Wall detail 
Materials > Wall buildup – Physical model at 1:5

The detail explains a unique composite rammed earth wall structure placed in the upper levels of the building blocks, creating good acoustic performance and thermodynamic properties. Highlighted in purple in the sections above. 

The Echo House Manifesto > a musical, industrial & residential, advanced echological project

“Music makes the people come together, music mixes the bourgeoisie and the rebel.” – Madonna
In the heart of Echo House beats the rhythm of convergence, where music and community intertwine in a symphony of harmony and sustainability.
Harmonizing community and industry
Echo House harmonizes diversity in its functions and lifestyles and celebrates the power of music to bring people together. The project aspires to enrich lives by redefining the concept of modern living. By implementing advanced ecological building principles, we create a place where creativity flourishes, health thrives, and the community harmonizes with industry.
Bridging Transitions
By integrating insulation and thermal regulation technologies, we bridge the gap between industrial and residential spaces. The building’s industrial functions are buffered with thermal mass that ensures optimal acoustic and thermal conditions, while residential spaces incorporate balanced insulation for both comfort and energy effectiveness.
Sustainable Rhythms
By adopting natural materials and circular industry approaches, we reduce our ecological footprint while enhancing efficiency. Utilizing natural materials such as timber, earth, wool, and cork, alongside lush vegetation, creates a sanctuary in harmony with nature.