Ana Gallego

Ana Gallego is an urban designer and researcher at IAAC´s Urban Sciences Lab, where she  conducts innovative and sustainable projects across a wide range of spatial scales. Recently, she was  recognized as one of the 25 emerging researchers in the field of architecture and urbanism in Europe  by ´Learn, Interact and Networking in Architecture,´ a European Union platform formed by leading  institutions of Architecture and Urbanism in Europe. Her work has been supported and promoted,  among other institutions, by the New European Bauhaus, the Mostra di Architettura di Venezia,  MODEL: Festival de Arquitecturas, and Barcelona Architecture Week. She is currently collaborating  with various European institutions, such as the Kosovo Foundation of Architecture, the Timisoara  Architecture Biennale, and the Haus Der Architektur Research Lab. Ana has previously worked in  different architectural and urban planning firms, such as AMB: Metropolitan Area of Barcelona,  Miralles Tagliabue EMBT, Sol89 Arquitectos, and Pargade Architectes