Hesham Shawqy

Hesham Shawqy is an architect, focusing on computational design, artificial intelligence, and web development He is currently working at IAAC as a teaching and research assistant. He received his Master’s degree in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design in 2021. His research interests focus on digitising handcrafts using Machine learning and robotic fabrication. In the past, he worked at multiple design studios on a range of design projects varies from product design, historical documentation, urban development, museums, products, exhibitions, and housing. 

He is also a tutor at the American University in Cairo, teaching courses related to parametric design and digital fabrication. Hesham taught numerous computational design and machine learning courses with Digital Futures, IAAC and GSS. He owns a digital platform called Ingraft which helps people to experiment with advanced parametric design tools in the field of architecture and urban design. Recently, Hesham has been working on machine learning and web deployment. Developing tools for web based participatory design and buildings facades material recognition using Google street views.