Izaskun Chinchilla

Professor of Architectural Practice at the Bartlett School of Architecture and has been a Visiting Professor at Hong Kong University among many other international destinations. Honorary International Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects, she has run her own practice since 2001. She has extensive experience in research, education, and citizen engagement processes. Her doctoral thesis ?The Structure of the Ecological Revolution in Architecture ? was Magna Cum Laude at the ETSAM in Madrid. in 2016. In 2014 she was appointed Public Engagement Fellow by the University College of London and received multidisciplinary training to participate in citizen engagement projects. She is the author of the book La Ciudad de los Cuidados, published by Catarata in 2020.
More than 200 national and international architectural journals and publications have referred to her work. Her proposals have been awarded in more than 30 international competitions of ideas. She has spoken as a lecturer or as a curator in more than 180 specialised forums in national and international at universities and national and international institutions all over the world.