Javier Peña Galiano

MAA Senior Faculty & MOeC Faculty

Javier Peña Galiano is Graduated in architecture (ETSAM 1992). Javier has been teaching in different universities around the world from the last 15+ years, where he develops an intense teaching experience in research projects in combination with the building industry.

He now leads Studio9 in Universidad de Alicante and is Senior Faculty at IAAC ‘Design With Nature’ research line. For the last period, he has been compiling his extensive work and writing into his PhD Thesis entitled ‘The Metabolic pixel’.

In 1997 founded Xpiral, his architecture office with a central office in Murcia, but with delegations in Barcelona and Madrid. As principal of Xpiral, he leads the development of architectural proposals that explore alternatives to common design problems, using technology, new understandings of materiality and innovative space relationships.

Declares himself and the way of working in his office passionate about the ‘tuning methodology’, where models, drawings, prototypes and factories become fine tuned and radicalized as simultaneous tools for the advancement of the projects he develops. Some of those projects have been exhibited in MOMA, Venice Biennale and several other museums and exhibitions. Javier has also participated in numerous architectural competitions and within his practice has received several awards, including Europan6, finalist on FAD awards and selected works for Mies Van der Rohe Award.