Jon Aguirre Such

Jon Aguirre Such is an architect and urban planner by UPM University (Spain), specialised in urban planning and sustainability. He is founding partner of Paisaje Transversal with more than 10 years of professional experience. Between 2017 and 2023 he has been coordinator of the URBACT National Point in Spain, he has been appointed as national expert in the Smart Rural 21 program (2020), as well as URBACT Ad-hoc expert (2023).

He has lectured in different universities and professional forums, and he is professor in Urban Planning in the Architecture School of the Basque Country’s University (UPV) in Donostia / San Sebastián (Spain). He has also co-authored several academic papers and articles, including three books: “Listening and transforming the city” (Libros de la Catarata, 2018), “Integral Urban Planning: Learning from Europe” (Diputació de Barcelona, 2019), and “Regenerative Urbanism” (ACTAR Publishers, 2023).

Since 2013, Jon has supported municipalities in the development of Local Urban Agendas, integral urban regeneration strategies, and participatory processes related to sustainable urban development. He has led, coordinated, and developed many different strategic and spatial planning projects. His involvement includes the deployment of participatory and engagement processes, coordinating transdisciplinary working groups, designing, and implementing strategies and plans, among other tasks.