Rafaela Müller

Architect and Urban Planner, recently graduated from the Master in Advanced Architecture at the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) Studio X-Urban Design (2022-2023). Her research addressed scenarios with focus on “extreme urbanism” related to paradigm shift, criticizing huge buildings as skyscrapers and proposing more collective urban typologies resistant to extreme weather conditions. Throughout her academic and professional career she showed a continuous interest in urban issues, leading her to participate in competitions, international congresses and to engage in projects in the field of urban consultancy, involving of urban consultancy, mainly involving urban design and planning together with social urbanism for city governments and policies. In addition to her initial training, she completed a postgraduate degree in Urban Mobility at the University of Fortaleza (Unifor). She is the founder of REP urban design lab (@rep.lab), focused on studies of spatial recognition methodologies in urban projects and graphic representation courses for urban spaces. Graduated from Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) with the theme “Travessias Urbanas. Da transição à permanência”, awarded with two national titles in her country, Brazil.