Ricardo Devesa

Ricardo Devesa is an architect who graduated from the School of Architecture of Valencia (ETSAV, UPV, 1999) and got his PhD from the BarcelonaTech (ETSAB, UPC, 2012).

Currently, he is an editor in Actar Publishers, professor of Theory at the School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB, UPC) as well as teaching architectural research at Elisava School of Design Master of Architecture and Environment (UPF). He is editor of the theory magazine DC Papers (UPC). He was visiting scholar at Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP, Columbia University, New York).

He has been a design professor and collaborator in several of the vertical workshops and seminars in the School of architecture at the International University of Catalonia (ESARQ, UIC, 1998-2005).

He was a member of the editorial staff of the magazine Quaderns d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme (1997-1999) and member of the editors of the Basa magazine, (2004-2008), work for which they obtained a mention in the FAD prize of Thought and Criticism (2009).

He has been the editor, together with Manuel Gausa, of the book: Otra Mirada. Posiciones contra crónicas. La acción crítica como reactivo en la arquitectura española reciente (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 2010).