Degree in Architecture from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC -2007) and Master in Urban and Territorial Development from the same institution (UPC – 2012).
Member of the UNESCO Chair – UdL. Ciudades Intermedias (Intermediate Cities) since 2015; founding member of the InterDUT network (2021) of generation and exchange of knowledge in the Ibero-American context; founding member of the Observatorio Ciudad 3R, dedicated to the study of Rehabilitation, Renovation and Urban Regeneration in the Spanish national territory.
In 2019 he joins as urban technician in the team of the Agencia de Ecología Urbana (Urban Ecology Agency) of Barcelona, where he participates in different urban study projects from the perspective of Ecosystemic Urbanism.
After a brief period in Barcelona Regional, Agència de Desenvolupament Urbà -of the Barcelona City Council and its Metropolitan Area-, he currently works as an independent professional specialized in urban data analysis and science, and strategic planning, leading projects such as the Diagnostic Study of Urbanization in the Canary Islands, or the Technical Assistance for the drafting of the Local Action Plan for the implementation of the Spanish Urban Agenda in Candelaria.