Vicente Guallart

Vicente Guallart is a spanish architect, urban planner, and researcher. He is one of the worldwide experts in Ecological Urban Development and Digital Cities with high expertise in Strategic Planning, Master Plan Development, Transport Oriented Development, Project Management, and Building and Landscape Design. Vicente is former chief architect of Barcelona City Council 2011-2015 with the responsibility of developing the strategic vision of the transformation of the city and its major
development projects. He was the first general manager of Urban Habitat, a new department created in Barcelona City Council to encompass the areas of urban planning, housing, environment, infrastructures and information technologies. Previously he founded the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), one of the best Architectural Master Schools in the world, where he led projects such as Media House Project (with MIT’s CBA), Hyper Catalunya, or the Fab Lab House. He is currently director at Valldaura Labs of IAAC and co-director of Master for Advanced Ecological Buildings and Biocities (MAEEB).