Xavier Guarderas Torres

Architect by the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. He has a Master’s and PhD in Territorial Planning and Environmental Management from the University of Barcelona, specializing in Urban Planning.

He started in the field of urbanism as director of public space for the Municipality of the Metropolitan District of Quito (2011-2014) where he promoted important projects such as the conversion of the old airport into a Metropolitan Park and the consolidation of the district’s network of parks. Later he travels to Barcelona to pursue graduate studies where he joins the team of the Agencia de Ecología Urbana (Urban Ecology Agency) (2015-2020).

In this entity, he participates in urban planning and design, specializing in public space at various scales. Highlights include the development and management of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (PMUS) for cities such as Barcelona, La Coruña or Quito, the drafting of Master Plans and Public Space Plans, such as the Superblocks plan for Barcelona or the Historic Center of Quito, as well as through the development of TOD strategies and alternative mobility studies. He has also excelled in leading European projects of the Horizon 2020 program and projects for the EIT Urban Mobility.

He is currently a technician in the area of Mobility and infrastructures in the Agencia Metropolitana de Desarrollo Urbano y de Infraestructuras Barcelona Regional (Metropolitan Agency of Urban Development and Infrastructures Barcelona Regional).