“Cultivating cultural resilience and healing through community gardens and herbal sanctuary.”

01 | IThe Site

“is located at the northern border of Gaza where the land meets the imposing structures of fences and walls, and  defined not just by physical barriers, but by the stories of families divided and dreams deferred”

01 | IThe Community

01 | IThe Detachment

“a profound need for healing, both of the land and the human spirit, through the transformative power of natural connection”

“a holistic approach to restoration—one that recognizes the intimate relationship between human and environmental health. By fostering a deep connection to the land and nurturing the vitality of the soil, we have the potential to cultivate not only thriving ecosystems but also resilient communities”

“a journey of renewal, where the act of tending to the earth becomes a pathway to personal and collective well-being through this symbiotic relationship between land and people”

02 | IQuantitative Data

Geography, Ecology, Demographics

02 | Qualitative Data

Sociocultural and Community

03 | Design Response

“The project recognizes the diverse needs and backgrounds of the community members in Gaza. By providing access to a community garden and natural herbal sanctuary, the  aim is to support emotional and physical well-being through a  holistic approach with herbal remedies.“

03 | Design Response


“arches symbolize strength and resilience while paying  homage to traditional Palestinian architecture”

Space & Path


Types of Arches

Moments in Space

04 | Future Cultures

“creating spaces for dialogue, learning, and healing, empowering individuals and communities to reclaim their cultural heritage and shape their collective future.”

“aims to extend its impact across the entire region starting from one neighbourhood”