State of the Art

RainBellows is a project that is inspired by nature’s solution for stormwater capture, storage and filtration to the urban environment. It is a highly-sustainable commercial building currently under development in Seattle. Designed to meet the Living Building Challenge, the project revealed opportunities to further reduce use of potable water in an urban environment. Alternative to conventional stormwater storage and filtration, RainBellows utilizes the building skin unconventionally. The idea is to implement this strategy first as a prototype and hopefully as part of a future project.
Our concept, is thus, similarly derived from the idea to conserve and store rainwater that is received by the building on their facades. Rather than letting the rainwater fall on the ground once hitting the facade, the idea is to have the facade open up to collect this rainwater and harvest it for future uses like electricity generation and domestic use.

Workflow Diagram of the System

Components and Bill of Materials

Wiring (Schematic)

Digital Prototype

Physical Model
