Group 20
Timber Spatial Joint

The aim of this timber spatial joint was to explore the bending technique applied to plywood or MDF using kerfing but also apply it in 2 directions instead of 1. The bent joint is then inserted into the circular wooden sticks and fixed in place using a wooden dowel.

Production Process

First Trial: Bending Acrylic with Heat
Challenges Faced:
- Difficult to bend the acrylic in Opposite directions as the center is affected by one of the directions.
- Difficult to align the grooves in the joint with the fingers on the bottom supports.
- Time-consuming

Second Trial: Bending MDF using Kerfing Technique
Challenges Mitigated:
- Easier to bend in both directions
- Grooves easily align with fingers
Spatial Network

3D Printed Rigid Curtain

Printer: M200
Estimated Print Time: 8h 11 min
Material: Z-ABS 2
Nozzle Diameter: 0.4 mm
Layer Thickness: 0.29 mm
Infill Density: 20%
Surface Layers Top: 4
Surface Layers Bottom: 4
Raft Enabled: Yes

The CNC Milling machine produces high accuracy parts from Rhino or CAD with a high level of automation.
As a subtractive manufacturing technology, the CNC cuts away pieces from a block. This can create complex 3D forms in relatively quick timeframes.
For this exploration we are provided a hexagonal module of 360x180mm.
We developed a circular pattern structure that could have different heights, depths, and areas all through a grasshopper script. We imagined the script being tailored depending on weather and lighting needs for a facade.
Flat Mill
Flute: 2
Diameter: 6
Spindle Speed: 12000
Cut Direction: UpCut
Stepdown Control (dZ): -3mm
Stepover Control:-
Total mill time: 20 min.
Material: 30mm Plywood
Machine: Shopbot
Post Processor: .sbp
Workpiece volume – 360x180x30mm