The project developed in the Introduction to digital Fabrication seminar involved designing and fabricating three distinct elements of a cabin, each using a different digital fabrication technique. Through this process, we explored the applications of laser cutting, CNC milling, and 3D printing.

“The Spine” is a cabin based on an arched type structure, inspired by turtles as main concept, adapted to the production challenges of digital fabrication. Repetitive external interlocking frames based on a bone structure holds the shell produced with 3D printed methods. In addition a laser cut shading system inspired by the Vonoroi diagram was designed to enclose the open facades controlling the light entrance depending on the number of layers and the density of the pattern.

THE SPINE is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Mater in advanced Architecture 01 year 2024-2025 by students: Hugo Alejandro Parra Fuentes, Gustavo Calderón, Ivane Gventsadze, and faculty: Ricardo Mayor, Valentino Tagliaboschi, Shyam Zonca.