This project aims to represent smart door locking system, using RFID control and a Servo motor.
As the first step, RFID was connected to Arduino uno board through the breadboard, Added MFRC522 Library to Arduino and used Dumpinfo example from this library to detect the card’s UID. In next step, Buzzer and two LEDs and Servo motor were added to circuit. When a specific card, which its UID is specified in the code, is near RFID, green light turns on with a sound from buzzer, and door opens (in this case, servo motor turns) and whenever another card or key is being used, which its UID is not defined, red light turns on with a continuous sound from buzzer.
BOM (Bill of Materials)
1. Arduino uno
2. RFID-RC 522
3. RFID cards
4. Servo motor
5. Breadboard
6. Buzzer
7. Led
8. Jumper wires