The project is an attempt to assess a correlation among the students who chose to pursue the course Master in City and Technology at the Institute of Advanced Architecture. The speculations for the investigation is carried out by collecting the information of the 13 students of the batch of 2022 in several realms to later establish a relationship using data analytics. On the note of an overview of the data collected is based off of the cities they are from, to begin with. Later on, several other arbitrary information of each one of them to understand their personalities more comprehensively.

The first dataset collected is on the cities each of student is from, their preferred city, their personality type based on the Myers Briggs test, their preferred music genres, their phobias, hidden talents and the preferred cuisines. The above pie charts show the most attempted section which shows how there are equal number of people that prefer summer, winter and spring, the most preferred music genre is the 80s pop and the most preferred cuisine is Indian.

The above graphic shows the cities the students are from and their preferred cities. This analysis was done to understand if there a relation between the two cities in terms of the urban typology to understand if in any way they are correlated. Some of the urban streets patterns seem to be correlated and further analyse this, a study on the street intersection count and the street segment count was done.

The next dataset to make a further analysis was collected which asked questions which reflected personal traits, their preferences, interests ad choices. The columns were asked to be rated on a scale of -3 to +3 to describe their ranking. The dataset made an attempt to gather the data to understand if they are a morning person, if they preferred coffee over tea, if they enjoyed traveling alone, if they get easily stressed and anxious, if they were a good listener, how pessimistic and optimistic they are, how decisive and impulsive they could be, how much they preferred indoors and outdoors, how much they preferred movies and books, how much of an emotional person they are, if they believed in ghosts, to what extent are they introverted and extroverted, how much they like noisy bars and quiet cafes, how much of a risk taker are they, belief in spirituality, interest in sports, regrets of their choices, interest in meditation, how much of a perfectionist they are, belief in god and finally, if they are a smoker or not.

To further understand the data collected, the list was categorized into four major divisions which are qualitative information, object oriented information, choices and opinionated data. To understand the same and make the categories, a cluster map was made which assisted with creation of the categories.

The above graphs, were later made to understand the correlation between the columns of the categorized information which suggests that the class of MaCT is a highly optimistic crowd, highly introverted and have low regrets of their choices and are quite emotional from the qualitative data analysis. The object oriented data suggests that they have high appreciation for the movies and they love books and noisy bars. The choices category suggests that they are all risk takers and love outdoors. Opinionated data category suggests they are highly spiritual souls with great belief in god and interested in reading book.