ShapeDiver is an online platform which allows one to share and interact with Grasshopper files online. The core objective was o bring the grasshopper interface to the everyday user in an easy to understand method where they can interract with it and modify designs according to their requirements. By adjusting the size of the panels, the point with which to control where the openings will be and the sizes of different types of opennings placed in three groups, the user is able to configure a custom panel for their spaces.

Use the following link to visit the platform:
Panelization Design is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 02 – 2022-2023 by the student(s) Perniyal Waseem during the course MAA02 22/23 Cloud Applications for Architecture: ShapeDiver with Javier González and Edwin Hernandez.