The Postgraduate in 3D Printing Architecture is a 6-month long intensive programme in the field of additive manufacturing of sustainable architecture. Between the use of advanced technology for construction and the desire to develop a holistic design approach to architecture, we engage with different areas of research that include robotic manufacturing, material research and performance-based design. The programme seeks to develop technological and architectural solutions in collaboration with Industry partners to answer the current needs and challenges of our habitat.


Research: Thermal Transmittance

Introduction – Hypothesis How can we optimize the geometry of different sections of a 3D-printed wall to adapt to varying levels of solar radiation and insulation requirements, while also reducing material usage and printing time? By deforming the infill patterns of 3D-printed earth walls, it is possible to optimize the thermal transmittance of the walls, … Read more

Techne W6: Volume

In Valdaurra Labs, the design of 3D-printed earth walls needs to incorporate strategic grid/period deformations to optimize for natural light and ventilation. By adjusting the curvature and openings in these periods and grids, the structure allows for more sunlight to penetrate while improving airflow and maintaing the building cool. This strategic deformation allows for play … Read more