During the second year of the Master in Advanced Architecture + Thesis Project (MAA02), students have the unique opportunity to work for a period of 1 year on an Individual Thesis Project, focused on the development of a research or pilot project based on the student’s interest, and the learnings of the first year. IAAC supports the student in selecting their Thesis Project topic in order to better orient them according to their future career interests and opportunities. Each student, according to their specific topic, is assigned one or more Thesis Advisors that follow the development of the work throughout the year.
In parallel to the development of the Individual Thesis Project, the second year of the MAA02 offers a series of seminars enhancing the theoretical, practical and computational skills of the students.
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Shape Driver Chair
ShapeDiver is an online platform that simplifies hosting and sharing Grasshopper files online. This project is aimed at creating a chair in shape diver platform where the users can customize the design and size by using the provided parameters like The Size of the Seat, The Material Thickness, the Chair’s Width etc., however, they like. are.