The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


Exploration into Vertical Elements

This term, the exploration of three fabrication techniques—Laser Cutting, 3D Printing, and CNC Milling—led to the creation of three vertical facade prototypes. Drawing inspiration from organic movements and waves, our laser-cut design explores the interlocking techniques with Polypropylene and acrylic.The 3D printed geometry also explores the interlocking, this time as a mobility tool, creating a … Read more


In the realm of contemporary architecture, the exploration of vertical elements has become a captivating journey, pushing the boundaries of design and construction. This submission delves into the innovative domain of digital fabrication, where 3D printing, CNC milling, and laser cutting converge to explore possibilities for architectural facades. Inspired by the dynamic cityscape of Barcelona, … Read more

Introduction to Digital Fabrication – Functional forms

Through the 3 digital fabrication methodologies the projects that follow aim to use the limitations and capabilities of each system to create a vertical architectural system which serves function apart from just aesthetics. The various functions served are from Natural lighting control, Sound Mitigation and Air temperature control. Laser cutting – Gothic Funk This laser … Read more

The flow fabrication

CNCMILLING “Dynamic Dunes” Description:The dynamic dunes capture the organic beauty of smooth, curvy sand dunes while introducing an element of tension at its core. The smoothly contoured surfaces emulate the natural flow of wind-sculpted dunes, creating a visually engaging and harmonious exterior. At the heart of the sculpture, a carefully crafted tension point disrupts the … Read more

The Way Of Water

As an underlying theme we chose to explore the various movements of water, as a catalyst that drives each of our fabrication process. Laser Cut – Oscillation | 3D Printing – Coral Growth | CNC Milling – Ripple Effect   LASER CUTTING | OSCILLATION The concept behind this design gets its inspiration from oscillating waves … Read more

Material Waves – Digital Fabrication

In this class we were introduced to three fabrication techniques, Laser Cutting, 3D printing and CNC milling. In each technique we were tasked with creating prototypes of vertical facade elements that could be used in architectural applications. Every two weeks of the course we learned how to use each technology and then fabricated our own … Read more