The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


From butterfly wing to buildings.

The shapes of butterfly wings is a product of genetic programming, developmental biology, and evolutionary adaptations. Variations in wing shape among different species result from adaptations to their ecological niches, predation pressures, and other environmental factors. Different butterfly species have evolved wing shapes adapted to their specific ecological niches. For example, some species have wings … Read more

Mushroom Façade

Facade optimization based on Sunlight   Two layers of the facade: one is stable, and the other layer grows based on the points that are warmer or receive more  sunlight to reduce heat and sunlight. The design objectives Environmental Sustainability Energy Efficiency: Reduce energy consumption for heating, cooling, and lighting. Climate Adaptation: Design to adapt to … Read more


PHYLLOTAXIS The arrangement of leaves or floral parts around a stem or axis is called phyllotaxis. The term comes from the Greek phullon – ‘leaf’ and taxis – ‘arrangement’. The model was first proposed by Wilhelm Hofmeister in 1868. IMPORTANCE: The objective of the phyllotaxis is to avoid overcrowding. So that all leaves get maximum … Read more

The Rippled Facade

Optimizing the building skin inspired by Rippled droplets Meta balls as an isomorphic surfaces constructed as composite assemblages of the mutually infecting parametric objects with internal forces of mass and attraction.region of influence,which could be additive (positive) or subjective(negative)Isomorphic architecture(Bubble) Blobitecture , blobism and blobism are terms for a movement in architecture in which buildings … Read more