The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



Introduction to Neumatic Colloids Nematic colloids are materials with perpendicular surface anchoring embedded in planar nematic liquid crystal (NLC) cells. Topological defects, such as point defects and disclination lines, are a necessary consequence of broken symmetry in the system. In nematic liquid crystals (NLCs), defects manifest as isolated points and disclination lines, which can form … Read more


Concept We aim to design an environmental responsive facade that provides shelter for users in public spaces. Our facade aims to explore different materials that will behave differently based on the sensory information that the weather conditions of the city or location provide. It will be reacting to local light, rain, temperature and weight levels, … Read more

Reef Rhythm: Differential Growth in the dance of Reaction Diffusion

This project explores the differential growth under the reaction diffusion phenomena. Moving from the microscopic behavior of magnetic fluids to the macroscopic phenomenon of differential growth, revealing the interconnectedness of physical processes and biological phenomena. Beginning with an exploration of the properties and behaviors of magnetic fluids, and establishing an understanding of their unique dynamics. … Read more

Slime Molds Simulation

Natural Behavior This exercise focuses on exploring and understanding the behavior of Physarum polycephalum, a slime mold organism, through digital simulations. Different configurations and parameters will be investigated to observe how they affect the movement, reproduction, and growth of this organism. The goal is to gain a deeper understanding of the interactions of Physarum polycephalum … Read more

Living Parts: Architectural Members for the Age of Biology

Transforming Conventional Architectural Element Compositions for CO2 Sequestration/ecological interactions Living Parts is a project that tries to bridge the gap between anthropocentric and nature-centric design. As we already know that that the building industry, in the past couple of centuries has caused major harm to the environment with things like producing toxic waste, waste energy, … Read more


Marine Oasis Creation Through Plastic Decomposition Implementing a Symbiotic Relationship with Aspergillus Fungi To Restore Ocean Deserts Keywords: Plastic decomposition | Aspergillus fungi | Lichen | Cyanobacteria | Marine ecosystem | Garbage Patch | Degrowth | Coral reefs | Ocean deserts | Habitat restoration The DecompAsper stands out as an innovative device that, through the synergistic … Read more

Urban  Drainage Systems

There are different implementations around the world for Urban drainage systems that had been evolving throughout the time, implemented with different solutions responding to the conditions of the place from informational, topographical to climatological. Developing codes and norms for its correct implementation.  LID-Low impact development. Used in North America and New Zealand. Combines a hydrologically … Read more

User-Centric Adaptive AI-Generated Virtual NeuroArchitecture

Our surroundings influence our cognitive-emotional processes and shape our physical, psychological, and social well-being in a variety of ways on a daily basis. This paper delves into the complex interaction between our mental states and surroundings, examining the urgent need to reimagine spaces as interactive, adaptive, infinite spatial content, and user-centric entities promoting mental well-being. … Read more


DESIGN BEHAVIOUR Radiation is a threat in many industries, from space exploration to medical imaging. Effective design must take into account the unique challenges presented by radiation. MASTER IN ADVANCED COMPUTATION FOR ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN  2023/2024 Faculty: ARETI MARKOPOULOU & NIKOL KIROVA STUDENT : Darkhan Kadirov

Adaptive Sun Shade

The proposed project is to have a mechanical responsive canopy that can react to the sun path in each time of the day. As climate conditions such as temperature and sun radiation levels approximate to undesired levels the built in system would trigger the mechanism. The sun shade is controlled by three different servo motors, … Read more

The Movable Folding Roof

The Weather-Sensitive Adaptive Ceiling System is an intelligent installation designed to dynamically respond to weather conditions by opening or closing the ceiling. Using weather recognition technology and a motorized mechanism, this system enhances indoor-outdoor connectivity while ensuring comfort and protection in varying weather conditions. This project concept aims to create an adaptive and responsive environment … Read more

Artificial Sun

“Artificial sun” is a light installation that originated from a dark, cold winter walk in Berlin. Berlin, one of Europe’s liveliest and youngest cities, is renowned for its vibrant parties and general positive atmosphere.However, when winter arrives and the days grow shorter, the city seems to go into hibernation, leaving its streets cold and empty. … Read more

Adaptive Blossom Canopy

The Adaptive Blossom Canopy stands as a smart roofing system, tailored to address the challenges of hosting outdoor events in regions characterized by scorching temperatures and erratic rainfall. Drawing inspiration from the grace of nature, its design showcases a structural framework crafted with kinetic roofing panels mirroring the petals of a four-leaf flower. Employing Arduino … Read more


INSPIRATION CONCEPT Aqua REVIVAL, a smart irrigation system which monitors tank levels via water sensors, activates a pump to draw and filter greywater. This sustainable solution minimizes grid water usage, promoting responsible landscaping. The addition of a soil moisture sensor ensures optimal soil hydration for thriving landscapes. PSEUDOCODE This pseudocode activates the DC motor with … Read more

Verdenlace – Kinetic shading structure

The idea is to used the design module which created in G2- Bio tech morphogenesis studio and make a adaptive shading structure using Programming & Physical Computing. Concept The Innovative algae panels integrated into structures enrich the surrounding air with oxygen through photosynthesis. Complementing this, kinetic shading devices dynamically adjust based on sunlight levels, efficiently … Read more


MASTER IN ADVANCED ARCHITECTURE ROBOTIC WOODCRAFT FACULTY:  Alexandre Dubor, Marielena Papandreou, Huanyu Li STUDENT: Snehal Pare, Sbusiso Bhembe, Natnaree Wichieansin, Shrey Kapur, Hritik Thumar


HARMONIC HARMONY – IR REMOTE MUSIC SYNTHESISER INTRODUCTION : In a symphony of technology, my Arduino project, “Harmonic Harmony” seamlessly combines the realms of sound and light through the enchanting collaboration of a passive buzzer, LEDs and the magic of infrared signals. This innovative creation transforms signals from an IR remote into a melodic masterpiece, … Read more

Responsive Rainwater Catchment System

Reference: ThinkPhi

The Responsive Rainwater Catchment System (RRCS) is a proposed system to collect rainwater, reacting to environmental factors through sensors and actuators. The system is imagined as an inverted “umbrella” that is usually closed, and upon sensing rain opens and begins collecting rainwater. Reference: ThinkPhi It has as a priority to collect rainwater without blocking sunlight … Read more

Urban Pollution Mapper

CONCEPT The project was designed to be an urban furniture that maps the city’s pollutions: air pollution and sound pollution. It is a design installation that aims social awareness regarding the environment people are exposed to in big and busy city centers. The benches’ side lights, triggered by the air quality sensor, are always on, … Read more

forkLOAD Tessellations

forkLOAD Tessellations aims to utilize Shapediver to create a visualization software for clients to select a variety of parameters on a dome structure. This dome structure is created with a tessellating pattern of hegagons and squares. The user is able to select from a variety of scales of patterns, shape of arch, and a variety … Read more


A Workflow to Repurpose Tree Forks Hand fabrication or Japanese joineries have high customization and are very precise when done by a professional. This method’s drawbacks include the intense physical labor required and the amount of time it takes to master the craft. CNC Milling machines range from 3 to 5 axis and are a … Read more

from Earthly Trials to Martian Triumphs

“from Earthly Trials to Martian Triumphs” explores ways to create a sustainable and self-sufficient architecture for uninhabitable spaces on Earth that can adapt, develop, and learn from itself over a long period of time, as a Mars simulation project. This will involve investigating comparative planetology, considering possible challenges of Mars, identifying safe and similar sites … Read more