The Master in City & Technology’s academic structure is based on IAAC’s innovative, learn-by-doing and design-through-research methodology which focuses on the development of interdisciplinary skills. During the Master in City & Technology students will have the opportunity to be part of a highly international group, including faculty members, researchers, and lecturers, in which they are encouraged to develop collective decision-making processes and materialize their project ideas.
Architecture as a means of social segregation “capital materializes, to a large extent, through urban construction, the establishment of social relations in the city, the organization of space in the city, among others” (Harvey 2020, 23) According to Charles Jencks, the death of the modern architecture dated on July 15, 1972 at 3:32 p.m, when … Read more
The Bodies of [Urban] Finances – Eye of the Bear, the Bull, and the Rat [on]Capitalism
CRITICAL QUESTION: “How can urban planning and architectureactively resist the dominance ofspeculative capital, and instead promoteequitable, community-driven developmentthat prioritizes social cohesion and publiclife over the financialization of space?“ ——————————————————- The city is not just a physical construct of streets and buildings; it functions as a living entity, constantly shifting, shaped by the flows of CAPITAL … Read more
Emerging Economies
The Seminar opened new perspectives on several fields of Emerging Economies. The topics at stake ranged from circular economic models to ways to include ecosystem thinking into economic ventures. My key learning center around the possibility to think economies in terms of different network structures, the inclusion of the common approach into design and planning … Read more
Digital Culture(s): A cultural blindspot of solutionism
In an era of accelerating change, digital cultures weave together a mosaic of materiality, temporality, and social impact, redefining the very essence of culture itself. The interplay between these dimensions raises compelling questions about the way we live, create, and envision futures. From solutionism in the face of a polycrisis to the extractivist underpinnings of … Read more
Exploring Digital Futures: Embracing Complexity and Imagination
In a world marked by interconnected crises and technological change, understanding Digital Cultures helps us navigate how we engage with technology and address pressing global challenges. This exploration underscores the critical role of narratives, metaphors, and values in shaping our responses to an uncertain future. The Context of Polycrisis Our journey began by examining the … Read more
Data Conscious Environment
This blog post is a reflection of the course and lectures given by Andres Colmenares. The course is an intersection of data/digital driven world and realization of the impacts due to it. It gives you an environment, social and cultural consciousness of using the data which emphasizes on knowing the power and importance of the … Read more
Poly-Exploration with Digital Cultures
The course of Digital Cultures, tutored by Andres Colmenares, took an investigative approach on the relations between the present and the future through the lens of art, journalism, urbanism, technology, human networks and global market. Course was structured in a “non-linear” way, what makes our tutor’s pride, yet consistent in terms of narrating through scale … Read more