During the MAEBB02, IAAC gives students the opportunity to create individual Studio agendas and develops Thesis Projects based on ecological design, thermodynamics applied to buildings, new fabrication techniques, material experimentation, solar technologies and more. In this way, IAAC puts together an experimental and learning environment for the training of professionals with both intellectual and applied responses to the increasing complexity and environmental pressures of contemporary urban environments.


Metabolic building systems: Water – N.E.S.T. Research Center

Introduction: A Water-Smart Timber Research Center The NEST Timber Research Center in Sant Adrià del Besòs, Barcelona, is redefining sustainable water management in urban developments. Designed as an innovative hub for timber research and ecological design, N.E.S.T is focused on material exploration and creating a circular water system that maximizes efficiency, reduces waste, and integrates natural treatment solutions. Water is … Read more