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Targeted toward students’ future careers in Academia, Start-up, or Industry, the second year of the Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction offers the opportunity to develop a thesis project with the support of IAAC infrastructure, experts and network.
The development of the project will be supported by advanced seminars in Technology, Theory, and Business to bring the proposal state of the art research that can really impact the construction industry.
In parallel to the development of the Thesis Project Studio, the second year of the Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction offers a series of seminars enhancing the theoretical, practical, and digital skills of the students. Students will also have the occasion to join cross-disciplinary workshops to build large prototypes and installations.
Course: MOeC 22/23 Workshop Teoria
Los acelerados avances en nuestra cultura arquitectónica contemporánea, detonados por la irrupción de la tecnología, la sociedad, y la cultura, ha sido denominado “Arquitectura Avanzada”. Este profundo cambio requiere de un continuo desarrollo en la construcción del conocimiento académico y disciplinar para su constante transformación y reformulación en el tiempo.
view Syllabus & Faculty