When the year started, Nishi and I noticed we missed something important: a place to place our numerous shoes. We thus decided we should make a shoe rack to safely and orderly store our shoes away.

Since we wanted place to store boots, we decided for a design with alternating overhang. Additionally, we decided not to use any glue or nails, but use tight notches to create beams and plates that support each other.

We started by walking around outside to find adequate pieces of wood. We found gorgeous pieces of wood with the bark still attached to it and decided to incorporate this in our design.

The beams and planes were cut using the chopsaw and then planed and levelled. Afterwards, the notches were done on the tablesaw, with the help of Lorenzo.

Building this shoe rack was a great first experience in the workshop, as this allowed a first low-pressure encounter with the machines, while being a great learning/thinking opportunity on how to work with glue- and nail-less wood.

[Pictures of the finished shoe rack by Sebas Batallas]