with the understanding of the internal structure needed for materiality is fundamental to applied the logic in a natural based materiality by analysing materials that are absorbent and sustainable.

Even having a materiality that allows absorbtion of water its fundamental for the design to help on the parameters to prevent runoff of rain water analysing the oblique concept of Paul Virilio and Claude Parent and see the perspective of the human scale to be applied with the element of water the angles need to decrease to 13 degrees an lower allowing directionability with higher angles and residence time with smaller angles allowing this process to slow down the flow of water to be absorbed by the material for longer period of time.

The analisis of the reference of Laing o’rourk’s defines the application of a methodology of recyclable formwork in order to cast materiality for the manufacturation of complex panels with a recycable process for reutilzation of wax for a circular economy, preventing the creation of waste that ends up in landfills

End effector : Heatting pouch with a piston for wax extruction

CNC wax mold / casting sponge material

method 2 – Traditional metod utilizing foam, creating Inner mold the mold by extruding positives and casting negatives

Accumulation of water in the groves by the crevices