Beam of Fragments

Structural Design Essentials Workshop Introduction The primary objective of the workshop was to explore innovative ideas in structural engineering by experimenting with materials and their compositions to create components. Specifically, the aim was to engineer a structural beam designed for integration into the case study structure, the Aravena Building, and to evaluate its structural strength … Read more

Design & Communication Interfaces _ BAT (Building Analysis Tool) Interface, Designing for the visually impaired, Enhancing Accessibility in Healthcare Architecture

In response to the increasing global population of visually impaired individuals, projected to reach 18.5% by 2050, our project focuses on enhancing the accessibility of architectural spaces, particularly in primary healthcare centers. We have developed the Building Analysis Tool (BAT), an solution designed to assist architects in creating environments that cater to the needs of … Read more

TRAVELNA / Hospitality for solo travelers

TRAVELNA is an innovative architectural design concept merging the subscription model of services like Netflix with Airbnb’s global accommodation network, tailored for solo travelers frequently moving across major cities worldwide. Subscribers gain access to a curated selection of high-quality apartments—ranging from studios to three-bedroom units—aligned with their chosen subscription tier. To ensure exclusivity and availability, … Read more

Vivir la Mundaú

Caminos para Reimaginar el Territorio Lagunar en Crisis Soy residente de Maceió. Maceió, capital de Alagoas, es una de las principales ciudades del noreste de Brasil, destacándose tanto por sus bellezas naturales como por su papel económico y social en la región. Maceió, del tupí “maçayó”, “maçaio-k”: “lo que cubre el pantano”, está situada en … Read more


CRONOLOGÍA HIPÓTESIS El caso de estudio presenta un escenario complejo y dinámico, caracterizado por un crecimiento acelerado y no planificado impulsado por el auge de la industria hidrocarburífera. Esta industria ha generado un incremento de  la cantidad de población residente como la pendular, y también ha generado una demanda sin precedentes de servicios e infraestructuras … Read more


Recalificación de Áreas Degradadas por la Industria Salinera – Cabo Frio – Brasil Introducción Desde los albores de la humanidad, la sal siempre ha jugado un papel fundamental en la sociedad. Su importancia era tan grande que en la antigüedad, la sal se utilizaba como moneda, conservante, condimento y alimento. Antes de la colonización portuguesa, … Read more


PUERTO METABÓLICOHacia un frente costero conectado, multipropósito y resiliente AbstractLa ciudad de Buenos Aires ha crecido ganandole tierra al Río de la Plata, a través de rellenos, infraestructuras portuarias, de transporte e industriales que han desplazado ecosistemas clave, generado barreras físicas y desconectado emocional y culturalmente a la ciudad de su geografía ribereña. Este proceso … Read more

NeoCapsules: modular living design

NeoCapsules Residence: A Vision for Modern Family Living NeoCapsules, an innovative residential complex inspired by the Nakagin Tower concept, offers a dynamic and adaptable living environment that seamlessly integrates sustainability with an urban lifestyle. This innovative approach fosters growth, flexibility, and community interaction, making it more than just a building, it’s a vibrant ecosystem for … Read more


Artes y Oficios en el remate del Eje Ferroviario. Sobre el remate norte del ex eje ferroviario, en la ciudad de San Juan, Argentina, se plantea la intervención del trabajo de Tesis. El actual ex eje ferroviario, contiene y alberga una serie de infraestructuras, culturales, cívicas, artísticas, diversas. Este eje comienza del lado sur con … Read more


NARRATIVE Back to Zero is a regenerative concept that targets oil refineries and other aging infrastructures that pollute our world. The narrative is inspired from the “skin in the game” concept, and calculates lifetime co2 emissions for high emitting “hosts”, which then becomes a target for that same “host” to sequester through the carbon sequestration … Read more

El nacimiento de la ciudad nube y la Memoria del Agua

“Imaginemos un mundo donde las nubes no solo son un sueño, sino una realidad habitable, donde coexistimos con la atmósfera y regeneramos el planeta.” Tomás Saraceno Preludio Las ciudades latinoamericanas han crecido históricamente en desequilibrio con su entorno natural, enfrentando problemas como el crecimiento desordenado, la degradación ambiental y la crisis climática global. Ante estos … Read more


Designing a Mixed-Use High-Rise for Urban Efficiency and Adaptability In the evolving urban landscape, designing a high-rise that blends commercial, residential, and recreational spaces requires thoughtful planning and innovative approaches. Our project, Parametric Nexus, employs parametric design tools to optimize functionality, sustainability, and adaptability. Here’s a closer look at the key elements of our design … Read more


DESIGN STRATEGY & TYPOLOGY The “Morpho” Residences originated from the a top down approach, this means that the algorithm behind it uses predefined sets of rules to create its geometry. The “Morpho” Residences originated from the a top down approach, this means that the algorithm behind it uses predefined sets of rules to create its … Read more

Parasyte: Growing exisiting structure

INTRODUCTION We approached our parametric project with a top-down methodology, emphasizing the importance of urban, climatic, social, and economic parameters. These factors, alongside the needs for project development, are crucial when discussing architecture that focuses on the reuse and recycling of existing structures in both established and developing contexts. CONCEPT & STAGES The algorithm is … Read more

Borde entretejido

Antecedente Primer Asentamiento (Destrucción del manglar).Desde su fundación el 4 de octubre de 1540, la ciudad costera de San Francisco de Campeche ha interactuado hegemónicamente con su litoral comprendido por manglar, lomas, tulares y la selva media caducifolia. Este modus operandi se ha perpetuado hasta los días actuales en decisiones del crecimiento y consolidación de … Read more


DATA CENTER: A BOTTOM-UP APPROACH WITH MODULAR AGGREGATION Data creation is exploding. With all the selfies and useless files people refuse to delete on the cloud, by the year 2025, there will be 200+ zettabytes of data in cloud storage. This explosion of data triggers the industry to streamline data management, security and storage, raising … Read more

The Perch – A Generative Building Typology

Introduction In our studio project, we use a combined bottom up and top down approach to develop a mixed use building; designed to integrate multiple functions, including residential, recreational, and commercial, within a single structure. Our goal is to feature a flexible layout, using modular construction techniques and clear circulation patterns, with well-designed junctions. Programmatic … Read more

Adaptive Modular Housing

An Automated Design Solution for Earthquake-Prone Regions How can an machine learning-enhanced parametric design tool develop localized, seismic-resilient low-cost, low-rise modular housing by intelligently integrating material constraints, structural performance, and architectural aesthetics?

Living Frames

Contemporary architecture often prioritizes humans at the expense of ecological balance, distancing us from nature and other species. This thesis envisions a future where buildings evolve into living, adaptive frameworks that foster interspecies mutualism. By integrating third-order cybernetics, machine learning, and AI, architecture can become a mindful mediator, enhancing relationships between humans and other species. … Read more

System on a chip: Data Center modular aggregation structural optimization

Concept The architectural concept is based on creating a data center that expands over time, following a Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) approach. At the core of the design is a superstructure, populated by smaller modular data halls. These are supported by a service program that includes operational spaces, storage, and MEP systems, particularly … Read more

Designing Empathy

Through Human-Centered Spaces and Experiences In a world that is rapidly urbanizing itself, architecture holds immense power to shape the lives of individuals and how they experience the public space. Yet, architectural design often neglects the various needs of the community it is supposed to serve, leading to alienation and exclusion, particularly for marginalized populations. … Read more

MakerHub – A Discrete Aggregation Recipe for Creative Industry Spaces

Strategy // Bottom-up Industrial High-rise 4. Adaptability to Change evolving needs or technological advancements, and allows for easy upgrading or replacement of capsules 3. Prefabrication & Mass Production Prefabrication and standardization. 2. Central Core Structure The capsules are connected to a central core  the building can grow or contract in response to societal changes 1. Modular … Read more