
At the request of STORE STORE in London, we developed a proposal for a timber structure roof for an existing garage located specifically in Clissold Crescent, Hackney. The objective is to transform the space into a workshop. The project presented a unique challenge as it is planned in phases, necessitating a demountable design that can … Read more

Truss and Roof Health

ROBOTIC SOLUTIONS FOR 3D SPACE ANALYSIS AIM This workshop ran in collaboration with Noumena and IAAC where we were introduced to a environmental scanning and data processing workflows which combined the use of photogrammetry and point-cloud data. The site of the study was at IAAC’s new building which is yet to be constructed. From this … Read more


Aim The project was aimed to develop a methodology to detect damages in walls with the help of Yolo’s trained models furthering to gain the quantitative and economic analysis of the development any project. Workflow Initially, we conducted a site scan using an RGB camera of Dji drone the site was mapped section by section … Read more

Espacios Accesibles Universales Autónomos

Abstract. ¿Qué oportunidades para la recuperación de Espacios Públicos se están perdiendo al dejar de lado a las personas con Discapacidad, Adultos Mayores, personas del cuidado, infancia, adolescentes y sus familias cuando se trata de diseño urbano? ¿Qué estrategias se pueden precisar para anclar a la escala de las personas de a pie, del mundo … Read more

Muerte y vida de ciudades mineras

El inminente fin de todo proceso extractivo plantea interrogantes sobre el futuro de las infraestructuras existentes y la remediación de su huella ecológica, puesto que, en este contexto, las operaciones mineras están intrínsecamente ligadas a la degradación y desterritorialización de los sistemas naturales, entre estos, el recurso hídrico pertenece entre los más afectados, pues en … Read more

RED SEA – 2050

G4-STUDIO, KIN INFRASTRUCTURE ABSTRACT: The Red Sea 2050 Architectural Project presents an innovative and sustainable approach to coral reef conservation. Focused on education and design interventions, the project addresses the urgent need to safeguard coral ecosystems. The conceptual framework involves the creation of modular panels—both large and small—deployed as coral farming plates. This approach allows … Read more

“Timber Narratives”

Aim To develop a modular system for seamless automated assembly and disassembly, specifically tailored for the reclamation and repurposing of planar, semi-standardized waste materials ,and also to foster circularity by maximizing resource efficiency and ensuring a sustainable end-of-life use for products within the system. Context State of the art Methodology Assembly and disassembly process by … Read more


Context Is additive manufacturing going to change the way we fabricate? Certainly it is, additive manufacturing has an immense growth potential with a 22% annual growth as it has offers mass customization and reduced waste. One of the challenges in additive manufacturing is to improve the precision and reliability of the manufacturing process. This can … Read more


Multi-material Additive Manufacturing solutions. CONTEXT The synergy between clay additive manufacturing and computational design has revolutionized construction, bridging the gap between project design and production. This integration has established a direct-design-build system, facilitating seamless translation of intricate designs into physical structures with precision and speed. This transformative approach enables complex geometries, customization, and cost-effective sustainability … Read more


Regeneración de Espacios Públicos y Calles Resilientes, Ecológicas y Accesibles   Fenómeno global La subsidencia del terreno o paulatina deformación que se produce cuando se extraen sólidos, líquidos o gases del subsuelo, es una amenaza global que afecta al 19 por ciento de la población mundial; mil doscientos millones de habitantes del planeta que viven … Read more


The symbiotic coexistence of humans, flora and fauna within our cities is the cornerstone of a sustainable and harmonious future.    Through a meticulous analysis of data extracted from the site and a comprehensive understanding of Barcelona’s climatic conditions, our visionary project sets its sights on the future, envisioning Barcelona in the year 2050 as a … Read more

Introducing need for Bionook

Abstract In response to urgent carbon mitigation challenges and biodiversity loss, a paradigm shift toward manufacturing symbiosis and circular bio-economy is crucial for ecologically sensitive design in urban ecosystems. This study explores the transformative potential of a 3D-printed urban Bionook, incorporating layers of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) with a natural-locally sourced soil admixture, to enhance strength, … Read more

Urban  Drainage Systems

There are different implementations around the world for Urban drainage systems that had been evolving throughout the time, implemented with different solutions responding to the conditions of the place from informational, topographical to climatological. Developing codes and norms for its correct implementation.  LID-Low impact development. Used in North America and New Zealand. Combines a hydrologically … Read more


Changing architecture with AI Market study Architecture as a profession is well know for its long work hours and less pay. Because as an industry in general is the least optimised industry just above agriculture and hunting in 2020. This results into more work load and less output. Hence the productivity rate is negative 1.4,which … Read more

TERRITORIOS SOCIO- PRODUCTIVOS. La Bioeconomía como herramienta de cohesión social y gobernanza multinivel.

“La mundialización de los intercambios constituye el dato esencial de la presente recomposición de la vida económica. Hoy en día hay que pensar en términos planetarios: la producción, el consumo, los intercambios y la relación con el entorno que les corresponde”. [Bertrand Hervieu] La interrelación e interdependencia entre el campo y la ciudad es cada … Read more

Defining Biocities

Life cycle Assessment Synonyms: Life cycle analysis Noun Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool to evaluate possible environmental effects at every stage of a product’s (which can be commodities, technologies, or services) life cycle, from acquiring natural resources through production and consumption to waste management (including disposal and recycling). Four Components of Life-cycle Analysis  … Read more

Ideas para la Paz

o Corredor Biológico de San José. PROYECTO Se desea expandir el programa del Museo de los Niños a su entorno más inmediato, sus predios y margen del Río Torres, con vistas en la regeneración del borde boscoso existente. A partir de proyectos de reciclaje y agricultura en un modelo de aula abierta vinculado no solo … Read more