Mining MARS: Integrative Modelling

Introduction As part of our studio project, we have designed a Mars colony. The main purpose of this colony is the extraction of urgently needed raw materials in a kind of open pit mine. Taking into account the special conditions and protection needs on Mars (mini-metroites, radiation, sandstorms, atmosphere…) we decided to combine our base … Read more


Envisioning a self-sustained colony on Mars, our primary focus is on revolutionizing transportation within the red planet. Sustainability is our guiding principle as we design an efficient transportation system that seamlessly connects habitats across various clusters. Incorporating Tensegrity moving parts, Inflatable lightweight structures, and a Hexagonal Grid framework, our approach embraces a Kit-Of-Part methodology. Following … Read more

Ákou! Data Management

Ákou is an acoustic paneling system applied to a given curve. The user-friendly configuration is helping the customer to visualize the effect of the final product on the given surface. Ideally the input is a Rhino file illustrating the contours of the surface to be covered with the Ákou system. The illustration below represents the … Read more

Urban Impact Analyzer

In the dynamic landscape of urbanization, migration towards cities is an undeniable trend. With this migration comes a myriad of challenges, notably the exponential rise in land costs and the often haphazard nature of urban development. As cities expand, there’s a pressing need for thoughtful and strategic construction that not only addresses the demands of … Read more


Redefining Facade Design Upload your building volume and choose from: Quad Panel, Hexagonal, Triangular and Diagonal You can also use the sliders to increase or decrease the pattern division on the facade, or even create new pattern types such as the vertical or horizontal strips using the quad panels in the dropdown menu Use the … Read more

Zero Waste Project | Metabolic Building System: Water

This module emphasized understanding and optimizing water consumption by building and utilizing various strategies to improve it. Firstly, we calculated the water consumption of the building. After accounting for the intensive housing system’s average, we arrived at a daily total of 54,051 L used by the building in its entirety. We calculated the consumption for … Read more

Proximity Food: Thermodynamic Strategies

Our site is located in St. Adria De Besós, a district nestled in the northeastern part of Barcelona’s urban area, positioned at the mouth of the Besós River. It lies between the cities of Barcelona, Badalona, and Saint Coloma de Gramanet. Barcelona has a Mediterranean climate with mild, relatively rainy winters and hot, sunny summers.The … Read more

Urban Alliance – Project Media

In the realm of architectural design and presentation, visualization plays a pivotal role in conveying ideas, concepts, and designs to clients and stakeholders. With advancements in technology, architectural visualization has evolved tremendously, offering architects and designers a multitude of tools and techniques to bring their visions to life. Among these tools, Lumion stands out as … Read more

Urban Alliance – Resilient Envelopes

The “Urban Alliance” is a mixed-use architectural design seamlessly integrating Industry 4.0 principles, featuring advanced photovoltaic production units. This visionary space harmoniously combines sustainable energy practices with residential and commercial areas, embodying a forward-thinking urban landscape that fosters eco-friendly living and innovative business practices. It exemplifies a holistic and tech-driven approach to urban planning. The project is … Read more

Urban Alliance – Urban Synthesis

The “Urban Alliance” is a mixed-use architectural design seamlessly integrating Industry 4.0 principles, featuring advanced photovoltaic production units. This visionary space harmoniously combines sustainable energy practices with residential and commercial areas, embodying a forward-thinking urban landscape that fosters eco-friendly living and innovative business practices. It exemplifies a holistic and tech-driven approach to urban planning. The project is … Read more

Tetris Town: Ecosystemic Structures Workshop

Continuing from the Thermodynamic Fabrications workshop we move on to the Ecosystemic Structures to further improve our Urban Synthesis project and refine the form of our building, according to the building materials of our choosing and the methods of construction we’d want to employ. This structural design further empowers the idea of dynamic adaptability and … Read more

Manifesto for Robotics in Construction Tailored Policies and Protocols for Diverse Environments

Inspired by Jordi’s Masterclass at IAAC, where he shared his experiences in robotic business and scope exploration, we’ve crafted our manifesto. This document reflects the significant insights he shared, particularly concerning entrepreneurship and startup endeavors in the construction industry. Shaping our collaborative journey into the intersection of design, technology, and construction, this manifesto outlines tailored … Read more

Solving the maze

Mazes have fascinated humans for centuries. Solving them requires decision making based on limited knowledge, and the ability to remember and avoid previous mistakes. The problem of solving a maze from any given position within it, without knowing the location of the exit lends itself well to the iterative logic that is central to this … Read more


Integrating Radiation Shielding for a Safe and Sustainable Urban Environment Radiation is a threat in many industries, from space exploration to medical imaging. Effective design must take into account the unique challenges presented by radiation. MASTER IN ADVANCED COMPUTATION FOR ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN  2023/2024 Faculty: ARETI MARKOPOULOU & NIKOL KIROVA STUDENT : Darkhan Kadirov   

Implementing BIM and 3D Printing Technology for Affordable & Sustainable Development in Third World Countries

•Building Information Modeling (BIM) and 3D Printing technologies offer a transformative potential in addressing housing challenges in third-world countries. BIM facilitates a comprehensive digital representation of construction projects, enhancing collaboration, reducing errors, and optimizing resources. In tandem, 3D Printing enables cost-effective and rapid construction, allowing for the creation of affordable and sustainable housing solutions. Together, … Read more

The Future of Generative Design – Enhanced with BIM

The Tools In the world of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC), designers have access to a plethora of tools, ideologies, and software to make their visions a reality. Within this vast space of options for designers to choose from, there are more specifically, tools that deal with Generative Design and Building Information Modeling (BIM). Software … Read more

The Veil


Inverted Layered Truss

Case Study The Inverted Truss Retail. Taipei City, Taiwan B+P Architects Martha’s Vineyard Airport Terminal West Tisbury, MA Fennick McCredie Architecture Design Proposal Perspective View – Frame Only Perspective View – With Roofing Maintenance Roof Load: 270 kgf Frame Mass Weight: 635 kgf Wind Load: 1 kN/m2 Front View Section Axonometric View


Introduction to Neumatic Colloids Nematic colloids are materials with perpendicular surface anchoring embedded in planar nematic liquid crystal (NLC) cells. Topological defects, such as point defects and disclination lines, are a necessary consequence of broken symmetry in the system. In nematic liquid crystals (NLCs), defects manifest as isolated points and disclination lines, which can form … Read more


Concept We aim to design an environmental responsive facade that provides shelter for users in public spaces. Our facade aims to explore different materials that will behave differently based on the sensory information that the weather conditions of the city or location provide. It will be reacting to local light, rain, temperature and weight levels, … Read more

Urban Alliance -Thermodynamic Fabrications

The “Urban Alliance” is a mixed-use architectural design seamlessly integrating Industry 4.0 principles, featuring advanced photovoltaic production units. This visionary space harmoniously combines sustainable energy practices with residential and commercial areas, embodying a forward-thinking urban landscape that fosters eco-friendly living and innovative business practices. It exemplifies a holistic and tech-driven approach to urban planning. The … Read more