The aim of this workshop was to propose an interview in one of the many farms in Parc Agrari complex. It is understood by local municipality and consortium of the park that the whole Parc Agrari has been suffering pressure from the real state market, in order to give the land up for the construction … Read more

Polykatoikia advisor

abstract This thesis presents an experimental approach that enables architects to automatically generate and rank multiple building layouts based on specific metrics, focusing on the Polykatoikia—the prevalent multi-story residential building type in Greece. By applying graph theory, architectural spaces are conceptualized as nodes, and their relationships—such as adjacency—are represented as edges. The graph offers a … Read more


Vocal Commands for Autodesk Revit Problem Despite decades of technological advancement, the core user experience between man and computer has remained nearly unchanged. This tedious and repetitive process requires designers to spend extreme amounts of time that could be saved through updated methods. This thesis explores a potential future for computer user experience, utilizing AI … Read more

VIDA Y MUERTE DE CIUDADES MINERAS. Estrategias territoriales para una nueva imagen del Cerro de Pasco, Perú 2065

El inminente fin de todo proceso extractivo plantea interrogantes sobre el futuro incier­to del territorio socio-urbano en el cual se ha emplazado o que ha generado. Por lo general, las operaciones mineras están intrínsecamente ligadas a la degradación y desterritorialización de los sistemas naturales, así como a la viola­ción de los derechos a la salud … Read more

Barrio Modelo. Reintroducir la vivienda asequible en los barrios interiores de Xalapa, México

Introducción La ciudad se expande territorialmente y pierde población en su núcleo consolidado. La oferta de vivienda nueva, y particularmente la de Interés Social, existe predominantemente en la periferia, donde hay un déficit de servicios básicos, fuentes de empleo, y accesibilidad. Esto contribuye al deterioro ambiental, agrava los problemas de movilidad y ejerce presiones financieras … Read more

Thermal Insight: Optimizing Indoor Analysis

Thermal Insight would be a standalone app that optimizes indoor environments by predicting thermal comfort. With simulations from trained models to help enhance occupant comfort and energy efficiency, evaluating metrics like PMV, PPD, and MRT. This tool would help improve well-being and productivity while achieving efficiency goals. Abstract Methodology Use Case Data Analysis Results and … Read more

Predicting optimal layout configurations for sustainable heritage shophouses

Our project aims to determine suitable workstation arrangement for office typology in a conservation shophouse in Singapore through maximise daylight on the worksurface to achieve 300 lux (to a maximum of 3000 lux) for good lighting condition. In a conservation shophouse, where the building envelope and facade cannot be altered. There are two daylight sources … Read more

Skin Sense

Skin Sense is a project that aims to help users optimize the thermal comfort of their interior spaces by applying skin shaders. Why implement this? What can skin sense help the user with? Once the designer designs the skin for the building facade it has to be analyzed for indoor comfort. To analyze indoor comfort … Read more

Real-time Daylighting Performance for Adaptive Reuse Planning

This project aimed to develop a daylight predictor to facilitate and generate well-informed adaptive reuse projects, with a specific focus on providing sustainable design solutions for low-income housing. Los Angeles (LA) was selected as a case study due to its proactive open data initiatives and commitment to adaptive reuse. This proposal provides a snapshot of … Read more


The proposed vision for Tempelhof is articulated as a ‘city within a city’ arranged along the two airstrips of the former airport, extending perpendicularly to emphasise a dual directionality. Buildings are conceived as flexible micro-communities built on organic/biodegradable materials, with the possibility of growing or ‘de-growing’ through time.The design strategy aims to trigger a need … Read more

Timber Narratives

Building on the principles of disassembly explored last semester, this phase of the Timber Narratives project delves deeper into advanced data-driven design strategies. We now capture and utilize timber colour values through enhanced scanning technologies, integrating this data into our designs. Additionally, we’ve implemented machine learning with logistic regression for precise categorization of timber for … Read more


State of the Art and Minimum Value Proposition There is an overstocking of small to medium trees over Europe due to poor firing and soil cultivation conditions, most of this trees have the diameter of 10-25 cm and depending on the species and cultivation conditions some of then are crooked and can’t be used by … Read more

Neuroimmersive Space: User-Centric Adaptive AI-Generated Virtual NeuroArchitecture

Our surroundings have a significant impact on our thoughts and emotions and influence our overall well-being. This research project focuses on exploring the significant relationship between our mental states and surroundings, emphasizing the need to reimagine spaces as interactive, adaptable environments that prioritize mental well-being. Technological advancements such as virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), … Read more