Biomorphic Stacking

This project explores the computational logic and thinking to design an iterative growth algorithm that enforces specific filters and rules of selection to inform the assemblage of simple building blocks.In Grasshopper the Anemone plug-in is used as the tool to iterate over the computational logic, informing how the geometry will behave within the digital environment … Read more

Computational Logic for Generative Design

The project focuses on generative assemblies comprised of multiple identical modules. It is crucial to design the shape of the components and the connection points between each of them, as well as not to add occlusions. Components will grow randomly depending on the shape as well as the location of the connection points. The design … Read more


Kala Academy Auditorium Refurbishment – Using Genetic Algorithms I PROBLEM STATEMENT I STATE OF THE ART EMPAC The interior was treated with various wall patterns applied to the walls leaving no flat surfaces to increase sound diffusion and decrease reverberation time, This made it rank as one of the most acoustically perfect concert halls in the … Read more

Modelo Abierto de Transformación Ecosistémica

Sistema abierto de reprogramación de infraestructuras obsoletas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires LA DIMENSIÓN INFRAESTRUCTURAL DEL TIEMPO Entender las ciudades como procesos inacabados y en constantes mutaciones, implica exponer su temporalidad. Ya que el urbanismo y la arquitectura se manifiestan en configuraciones de carácter espacio-temporal, los mismos deberían concebirse a partir de acciones que … Read more

forkLOAD Tessellations

forkLOAD Tessellations aims to utilize Shapediver to create a visualization software for clients to select a variety of parameters on a dome structure. This dome structure is created with a tessellating pattern of hegagons and squares. The user is able to select from a variety of scales of patterns, shape of arch, and a variety … Read more


A Workflow to Repurpose Tree Forks Hand fabrication or Japanese joineries have high customization and are very precise when done by a professional. This method’s drawbacks include the intense physical labor required and the amount of time it takes to master the craft. CNC Milling machines range from 3 to 5 axis and are a … Read more

from Earthly Trials to Martian Triumphs

“from Earthly Trials to Martian Triumphs” explores ways to create a sustainable and self-sufficient architecture for uninhabitable spaces on Earth that can adapt, develop, and learn from itself over a long period of time, as a Mars simulation project. This will involve investigating comparative planetology, considering possible challenges of Mars, identifying safe and similar sites … Read more

Wildlife Corridors

Our project focuses on modeling and predicting habitat fragmentation avoidance mechanisms using graphs. We investigate wildlife corridors in Australia, leveraging graph-based approaches to create coherent passages and connect forest areas. By analyzing satellite images, road data, and other metrics, we construct and evaluate graph models that incorporate forest containment, node characteristics, and connectivity. Our goal … Read more

Generative Urban Farming

The experiment parts from a self organizing model that iterates based in the incident sun hours, to later be evaluated in 2 methods: DCGAN’s and PIX2PIX. Problem Statement: The objective is to utilize urban farming strategically in central Budapest to enhance the affordability of student life. The key questions revolve around the potential yield, geometric … Read more


I PROCESS I PROBLEM STATEMENT The model will consider factors such as building orientation, facade modifications, and roof area expansion and tilt, ensuring optimal solar panel placement and alignment to maximize energy generation. By developing this AI generative model, we aim to overcome the limitations posed by Seattle’s climate, accelerate the adoption of solar energy, … Read more


 ‘Navigating Future Convenience’ PROBLEM STATEMENT The dataset contains information about previous trips taken by users, where each trip is represented as a node in the graph. The edges between the nodes represent connections between destinations visited by the same user. Additionally, the dataset includes attributes such as location details, amenities, time of day, activity type, … Read more

Controlled Creativity

Empowering Architectural Design with AI Diffusion This research explores the use of ControlNet with Stable Diffusion to enhance architects’ control over AI generated designs made by diffusion models. The objective is to expand the creative scope in architecture and transform the perception of AI from a potential threat into an opportunity for innovation and increased … Read more


PROBLEM Maximizing energy efficiency and comfort in buildings with strategically designed and placed sun shades for optimal solar heat reduction is becoming crucial in cities especially in arid zones. This raises an important question how can we use new technologies in achieving such goals. ML MODEL SELECTION in 2017 a very interesting model using Image-to-Image … Read more


Challenge to solve The potential for a building to adapt to various uses is primarily determined during the initial stages of the design process. This feature is rarely considered by architects yet has a significant impact of a building’s sustainability. The intention is to provide an early-stage tool that architects can use to test adaptability … Read more

R-ERA [ Realtime – Emotion Responsive Architecture ]

R-ERA [ Realtime – Emotion Responsive Architecture ] is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 02 – by the student: Preetam Prabhakar and Research Thesis Advisor: David Andres Leon during the course MAA02 22/23 Thesis under the Algorithmic Design research thesis cluster.

Mataderos . Distrito del M.A.T.E.

MODELO ABIERTO DE TRANSFORMACIÓN ECOSISTÉMICA La presencia de los mataderos y frigoríficos en el barrio determinaron su nacimiento, su actividad económica, su configuración física y el proceso de poblamiento desde la inauguración del Mercado en 1901. Casi el 30% de los edificios productivos de más de 500 m² se sitúan en Mataderos. Cuenta con más … Read more

Naturaleza +

La planificación urbana que no tiene en cuenta los servicios ecosistémicos consolida la desigualdad espacial y económica, profundiza la pobreza, disminuye la calidad de vida de personas y otras especies y degrada el suelo, el agua y el aire. Los esquemas de protección, restauración y regeneración natural en las zonas urbanas son insuficientes. Costa Rica … Read more

Housing for the Urban Poor

Considering the imminent demolition and in-situ rehabilitation of highly dense slum settlements, how might the application of generative algorithms facilitate the maximization and optimization of housing units within the existing spatial constraints? The slums and the unauthorized colonies are located across Delhi to identify which zones needs in-situ slum rehabilitation, there are over 700 slum … Read more

???? 365

Phenomena analyzed: Lightning From the mythological Prometheus until the middle of the 18th century, the phenomenon of lightning remained an unsolved riddle. In 1749 Benjamin Franklin detailed in his diary the resemblance between an electric spark and lightning: both emit light of the same color, and both have a winding trajectory and rapid motion. Both … Read more


‘Corkoon’ is a design proposal by a group of six students from MAEBB 2022-23 for the final thesis design of a Mobile home. The project aims to cater to the materiality aspects of a mobile home which we try to achieve by bio-mimicking the principles of a caterpillar in its chrysalis where it goes on … Read more


La presente investigación se lleva a cabo en Chiclayo, una ciudad costera situada al norte del Perú. El proyecto tiene como propósito abordar tres problemas sistémicos de carácter estructural: las inundaciones provocadas por las precipitaciones, el déficit de áreas verdes y la gestión inadecuada de los residuos sólidos. El objetivo principal consiste en desarrollar soluciones … Read more

Building Instincts

In this workshop, we collaborated all together to investigate the neuro-evolution (artificial evolution defining neural networks) as a strategy to develop autonomous behaviours of mobile robots (in this workshop we used Turtlebots) to perform given tasks. We used N.E.A.T. (NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies) as a method framework for artificial evolution of these robot controllers and increased … Read more