Juego de aire

Play of air CONCEPT ‘Juego de aireis’ The concept of this prototype is to optimize the temperature and quality of the air to a comfortable and safe state, The direction and speed of the fan’s rotation attached to a motor can make a significant impact on how it regulates the temperature and air quality of … Read more

Slo-Mo-Go: Tourism in Slow Motion

A digital tool proposed to re-boost the economy of Ciutat Vella, Barcelona Overview Ciutat Vella being the oldest district of the city of Barcelona was founded in the 1500 BC. The Ciutat Vella district was a very important economic hub for Barcelona. But in the recent times, the district faces problems that are characterised by … Read more

Promised Land

Mesh representation of MIDI

Mapping America’s Genrescape Promised Land, Chuck Berry’s early representation of modern rock and roll, blurs racialized difference in genre origin, fueling the hybridization of genre categorizes, resulting in America’s current rich music tapestry. MIDI data correlated to synaesthetic representations of color is crystalized and in a dense three-dimensional mesh and place qualities are correlated to … Read more

Routing Accessibility

Background Public transportation plays a crucial role in urban planning globally. Extensive research indicates that bus transit has become a highly favored mass mobility system. This preference stems from its cost-effective infrastructure, flexible planning, and discrete architecture that supports incremental growth. Bus transit systems exhibit lower infrastructure costs compared to rail or subway networks, making … Read more


How to imagine Walter Benjamin’s notion of Aura in the field of NFT art? In the heart of Barcelona, the Moco Museum hosts a groundbreaking NFT art auction, igniting a heated debate about the concept of aura in the digital realm. Dr. Alexandra, a nostalgic art curator, Leo, a proud copycat artist, Max, a wealthy … Read more

First step towards circular reconstruction. Damage assessment and material mapping of buildings in Ukraine through ground imagery processing.

An apartment building explodes after Russian army tank fire in Mariupol, Ukraine, March 11, 2022. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

Intro Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which started on 24.02.2022, is the biggest war in Europe since WWII. It took the lives of dozens of thousands of Ukrainians and brought massive destruction [1] and ecological catastrophes. Some cities are completely erased. A massive piece of land is still occupied. This war and its consequences are … Read more

Advanced Architectural Guide

Abstract Architecture enthusiasts face a dilemma when planning their travel visits. Either they spend a lot of time and effort researching and planning their routes, or they can rely on mainstream websites and blogs that tend to recommend well-known works, ruling out works with the same architectural interest that have received less media coverage. The … Read more


Our project website can be accessed at bit.ly/graphml Introduction Our research focused on hosting a machine learning model on the web that accesses Rhino.Compute. It receives an input of a polyline drawn on a Leaflet.js map by a user to indicate the central corridor spine of a building and returns a graph of that building … Read more


Harnessing the power of drone-based photogrammetry and artificial intelligence to create a low-cost urban wildfire diagnostic tool. In recent years, the global community has witnessed a significant upsurge in the frequency and intensity of wildfires. Driven by a combination of climate change, urban expansion, and land-use practices, these fires have not only devastated vast natural … Read more


El sistema alimentario como pilar estratégico para el desarrollo urbano de la zona 3, Quetzaltenango. Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. C.A El enfoque anteriormente abordado se centraba en la ecología y el cambio climático, exponiendo la situación actual de la ciudad de Quetzaltenango. Se identificaban los procesos alimentarios a través de la industria y cómo estas dinámicas contribuyen … Read more

Modelo Abierto de Transformación Ecosistémica

Sistema abierto de reprogramación de infraestructuras obsoletas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires LA DIMENSIÓN INFRAESTRUCTURAL DEL TIEMPO Entender las ciudades como procesos inacabados y en constantes mutaciones, implica exponer su temporalidad. Ya que el urbanismo y la arquitectura se manifiestan en configuraciones de carácter espacio-temporal, los mismos deberían concebirse a partir de acciones que … Read more

Environmental Asset Resilience

The Environmental Asset Resilience (EAR) Tool is a response to the pressing global challenge of environmental instability, particularly in urban areas. These areas face substantial costs associated with environmental problems and climate change. However, decision-making in addressing these issues is complicated by conflicting priorities, limited resources, and a lack of expertise. The EAR Project aims … Read more

Vastu in Graph Machine Learning

CONCEPT Vastu Shastra is a traditional Indian architectural science that provides a wide range of guidelines for design, layouts and construction of buildings. Vastu Shastra is based on the principles of ancient Indian texts and it aims to create harmonious and balanced living spaces that promote physical, mental and spiritual well being. WORKFLOW DESIGN PROCESS … Read more

Print – Scan – Cut

Preliminary steps towards a hybrid workflow for smooth 3D printed surfaces. Aim To develop a hybrid workflow to obtain smooth surfaces on 3D printed clay for improved alignment and surface finish. State of the Art Additive manufacturing enables the precise and cost-effective creation of complex designs while minimizing waste. One of the shortcomings common to … Read more