Resilient Envelopes : Timber V4ult

Objective To develop resilient, adaptable, and sustainable building envelopes that integrate active and passive design strategies, utilizing advanced ecological materials and systems to optimize energy efficiency, recyclability, and environmental responsiveness throughout their lifecycle. Location Case Studies Wind & Sun Path Analysis Solar Radiation Diagram Envelope Layer : Roof Pergolas Design Intent : Our pergolas were … Read more

Computational Sustainability at NEXT

Introduction Sustainability is no longer optional in architecture, yet translating ecological principles into measurable, data-driven design remains a challenge. NEXT’s use of computational tools demonstrates how these workflows can enhance energy efficiency, resource optimization, and ecological integration, but widespread adoption requires overcoming barriers. This research will explore how NEXT Architects applies digital tools to improve … Read more


Recalificación de Áreas Degradadas por la Industria de la Sal, con base en el Patrimonio Cultural y Ambiental, Cabo Frio – RJ, Brasil Introducción La sal es una materia prima de suma importancia para la humanidad, desde el principio el hombre utilizó esta fuente para sazonar y conservar los alimentos y su importancia la ha … Read more


Sobre latencias y oportunidades en el abordaje de la vacancia en la Ciudad de Mendoza, Argentina RESUMEN La problemática de los pasivos urbanos, definidos como terrenos subutilizados o infraestructuras obsoletas dentro del tejido urbano, constituye un fenómeno global con implicaciones territoriales y socioeconómicas a escala local. La expansión urbana no planificada, caracterizada por patrones de … Read more

Paraísos Artificiales

Hacia un modelo territorial para ciudades balnearias La costa Este de Uruguay se presenta como un territorio de oportunidad, donde la fragilidad ambiental, la presión del turismo y el crecimiento urbano requiere una visión de urbanismo resiliente. El proyecto propone un modelo que apuesta por la hibridación entre lo natural y lo artificial. En este … Read more

Maceió, La Tierra sobre Aguas

De la ruptura a la regeneración urbana a partir del rescate de conexiones históricas y ambientales Maria Luísa Machado Taller Concepto IaaC – MOeC – 2025 Resúmen Maceió, Alagoas, “la tierra que cubre el pantano”, nació de la unión de sus aguas, con sus primeros asentamientos vinculados a la Laguna Mundaú, el mar y las … Read more

Angels’ Games – Collaborative Design Studio

The Master’s in Advanced Ecological Buildings and Biocities (MAEBB) program at Valldaura Labs features the Collaborative Design Studio in its first term, also known as the Introduction to Self-Sufficiency. In recent years, the Collaborative Design Studio has engaged students in designing for and with diverse groups, working across various age groups, from school children to … Read more

BIOBASE(D)- Energy

BIOBASE(D) is a forest management and research center in the Pyrenees, dedicated to preventing forest fires through sustainable forestry and education. The building’s design responds to the local climate, highlights the potential of timber as a construction material, and offers visitors and staff a unique experience in this remarkable forest basecamp. Committed to sustainability and self-sufficiency, … Read more

BIOBASE(D) – Water

BIOBASE(D) is a forest management and research center in the Pyrenees, dedicated to preventing forest fires through sustainable forestry and education. The building’s design responds to the local climate, highlights the potential of timber as a construction material, and offers visitors and staff a unique experience in this remarkable forest basecamp. Committed to sustainability and self-sufficiency, … Read more

Timber V4ult: Metabolic Building Systems – Energy

We are developing an innovative mixed use project in the Sant Adria de Besos area of Barcelona, the project will hose a modular wood building factory with offices and two floors of residential units as well as public green space. The project represents Besos’ transition from an old industrial area into a cutting edge neighborhood … Read more

Timber V4ult : Metabolic Building Systems – Water

Objective – To understand the impact of good water management strategies, implemented during the initial phase of any architectonic project, on the ecological footprint and the resilience of the corresponding infrastructure. – To select the optimal water management strategy for the project, taking into consideration the specific climatic conditions and plot characteristics. Location Program & User Breakdown Water … Read more

Watermanagement for a CLT factory

The boutique CLT Factory in Solsona consists of a large 40.000sqm factory volume and a tarraced roof that accommodates offices, amenities, green spaces and the covered living area. Within the context of Catalonia that has been grappling with severe drought conditions over the past few years, leading to significant water scarcity issues, a special focus … Read more

BIOBASE(D) – Ecosystemic Structures

BIOBASE(D) is a forest management and research center in the Pyrenees, dedicated to preventing forest fires through sustainable forestry and education. The building’s design—especially its structure—responds to the local climate, highlights the potential of timber as a construction material, and offers visitors and staff a unique experience in this remarkable forest basecamp. CONCEPT Location The building … Read more