Abstract Parametric design tools like Grasshopper empower architects to create adaptive and efficient spatial layouts, but their complexity presents a barrier for non-experts. This research proposes a community-driven design tool that leverages Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Large Language Models (LLMs) to learn from expert-authored Grasshopper scripts, enabling prompt-based parametric layout design. By encoding design … Read more

Resilient Envelopes : Timber V4ult

Objective To develop resilient, adaptable, and sustainable building envelopes that integrate active and passive design strategies, utilizing advanced ecological materials and systems to optimize energy efficiency, recyclability, and environmental responsiveness throughout their lifecycle. Location Case Studies Wind & Sun Path Analysis Solar Radiation Diagram Envelope Layer : Roof Pergolas Design Intent : Our pergolas were … Read more

The Power of a good BIM Execution Plan

Abstract The BIM scope of a project still has many ambiguities, challenges, and known difficulties related to internal and external politics and other human factors. Project stakeholders usually have overlapping but in most cases different interests, e.g. tendering consultants and contractors want clearer definitions to be able to minimize their risk when submitting an offer, … Read more

Tower Design App

The Tower Design App is an interactive web application that empowers architects and designers to create and refine tower designs. Users start by uploading a site file in 3DM format, which establishes the design context. They then adjust a variety of design parameters through intuitive sliders that control component heights, floor plate sizes, rotations, and … Read more

Layers of Besòs: Unfolding Barrio’s Identities

Introduction: Understanding Besòs Beyond the Surface The El Besòs i el Maresme area in Barcelona carries a complex history—one shaped by migration, exclusion, and resilience. Often perceived through the lenses of insecurity and economic struggle, the neighborhood is in fact a vibrant intersection of identities, cultures, and urban transformations. Layers of Besòs is a research-driven … Read more

Seats and Sightlines

The App The purpose of the app is to help Step 0 of designing a stadium. This is a complex subject, in fact FIFA has a 1300 page handbook capturing the explicit requirements for every aspects of the design, down to the finest details, which is driven by benchmarked operational needs. The scope of the … Read more

Enhancing BIM with Innovative Workflows for Architectural Design with Kenn Clausen

New Sydney Fish Market

Abstract BIM enhances data integration and precision in architectural workflows but can constrain creative freedom. This tension challenges architects seeking to balance BIM’s technical benefits with human-centered, innovative design. The podcast explores hybrid approaches that integrate BIM with flexible workflows to foster creativity and meaningful spatial experiences. By examining real-world applications, it aims to identify … Read more

On-Site Cat Vet : Veterinarian Care Booth

The aim of the project is to create a solution for Kuwait’s biggest urban problem, street cats’ overpopulation. A large population of stray cats roams the streets, often suffering from injuries, infections, and diseases. These cats face difficult living conditions, with no access to suitable shelter, nutrition, or veterinary medical care. Left untreated poses a … Read more

Electrical Closet Planner

Link to Project: (Find Scott Lebow in the sidebar) This app is a simple electrical closet generator. This app allows architects to determine an appropriate room size based on a quantity of panelboards and transformers. It is designed to quickly size an electrical closet, without needing an engineer. Clearances are based on National Electric … Read more


Computation Design Seminar-Term II The project envisions a dynamic tensile structure on a terrace, integrating tensegrity to create a lightweight yet structurally efficient space for public interaction. Designed as a multifunctional hub, the pavilion provides a space for relaxation, lunch breaks, social gatherings, and contemplation.  By leveraging computational design tools such as Kangaroo, we explore … Read more


Sobre latencias y oportunidades en el abordaje de la vacancia en la Ciudad de Mendoza, Argentina RESUMEN La problemática de los pasivos urbanos, definidos como terrenos subutilizados o infraestructuras obsoletas dentro del tejido urbano, constituye un fenómeno global con implicaciones territoriales y socioeconómicas a escala local. La expansión urbana no planificada, caracterizada por patrones de … Read more


can robots and humans work hand in (hand) to create beautiful architecture? KOMA is a contemplative space, designed to be set in the landscape and allow for peaceful viewing, the form of KOMA is parametric and is able to sway with the wind through the use of tensile cables. The vertical timber elements were placed … Read more

Timber V4ult : Metabolic Building Systems – Water

Objective – To understand the impact of good water management strategies, implemented during the initial phase of any architectonic project, on the ecological footprint and the resilience of the corresponding infrastructure. – To select the optimal water management strategy for the project, taking into consideration the specific climatic conditions and plot characteristics. Location Program & User Breakdown Water … Read more

BANDY.DUCKS_2.1_Robotic Glazing Choreography

Introduction This project was done in collaboration with Heatherwick Studio. Our starting point was a problem that emerged when patterned ceramic tiles were deployed at scale. Specifically, factory-produced tiles create repetitive patterns, which detract from their crafted intricacy. On the other end of the spectrum, hand glazing is a highly skilled and time-consuming process that … Read more


investigative research into creating a catalogue of joinery methods, varying in complexity and geometries. At the same time, integrating a new workflow of design to mill fabrication using new components such as D2P & TasMachine to create sophis`iticated digital models and manage complexity. precedence first day / manual studies on our first day, we picked … Read more