The exploratory analysis performed by Josefina Ovalle, Maja Mawusi and Michał Modelski We present you an exploratory analysis on the New York City’s Citi Bike network in New Jersey. We chose the latest dataset, from October 2024, that gives us data on bike stations, bike types, bike users, and bike usage over time. The choice … Read more


Imagine a building that breathes with the rhythm of day and night! During the sunny hours, our facade elegantly opens up, inviting warm rays of sunlight to fill the interior with natural light.As dusk falls, our facade gracefully transitions to a closed position, wrapping the structure in a protective embrace.This dynamic interplay between openness and … Read more

The Gòtic Quarter: A Sustainable Economic Model or Not?

Located in the heart of Barcelona, where the history of the city began, the Gòtic Quarter is an iconic neighborhood, we sought to understand its complex dynamics and whether its economic model could truly be called sustainable. From Roman foundations to bustling contemporary streets, the Gòtic Quarter embodies a story of transformation. But behind its … Read more


La creación de Santa Fe fue resultado de la intensa expansión que experimentó la Ciudad de México en los años setenta, concebida como parte de una estrategia de reordenamiento urbano. Aunque en ese entonces no se hablaba en términos de reciclaje urbano, esta iniciativa abordó aspectos que hoy se consideran fundamentales en ese concepto. Las … Read more

Barrio Modelo. Reintroducir la vivienda asequible en los barrios interiores de Xalapa, México

Introducción La ciudad se expande territorialmente y pierde población en su núcleo consolidado. La oferta de vivienda nueva, y particularmente la de Interés Social, existe predominantemente en la periferia, donde hay un déficit de servicios básicos, fuentes de empleo, y accesibilidad. Esto contribuye al deterioro ambiental, agrava los problemas de movilidad y ejerce presiones financieras … Read more

Síntesis de Tesis: Neuro Diseño Urbano

Consideraciones del proceso de aprendizaje y resolución final. La determinación de dominio desde nuestro cuerpo sobre la relación con la realidad, y subsecuentemente con el Entorno. Plantear el Mapa Conceptual con el cual organizar al sistema, de manera de establecer un contrapunto, con el cual desarrollar las propuestas. Establecer una categoría desde donde intervenir, que … Read more


TRANSFORMANDO EL BOSQUE SAN JUAN DE ARAGÓN Aprendiendo de Chapultepec a través de sus Heterotopías Autor: Lilia Haua Miguel Tutor: Francisco Villeda Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluña Maestría en Urbanismo Próximo México, Agosto 2024 “Tesis presentada para obtener la calificación de Máster del Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluña” RESUMEN TRANSFORMANDO EL BOSQUE-ZOO SAN … Read more

To bike or not to bike?

Bike route classification using Graph Machine Learning The goal of the project was to develop a graph machine learning model that would predict existence of bike routes in Singapore based on collected geodata. Because the bike routes were represented by graph edges, that was also our classification type. Data Exploration & Research Topic We choose … Read more

Fields at Play

Fields at Play identifies the value of gender inequality in Olympic infrastructure and proposes to leverage the derived $12.6B Olympic gender gap in sports facilities to fund the revitalization and ongoing program of reliable, safe, and comfortable spaces for women at risk of gender-based violence. Understanding the purpose and outcomes of Olympic infrastructure strategies in … Read more


The proposed vision for Tempelhof is articulated as a ‘city within a city’ arranged along the two airstrips of the former airport, extending perpendicularly to emphasise a dual directionality. Buildings are conceived as flexible micro-communities built on organic/biodegradable materials, with the possibility of growing or ‘de-growing’ through time.The design strategy aims to trigger a need … Read more

Kyoto Blossoms & Tourism Machine Learning

Project Focus For our Graph Machine Learning project, wanted to look at the city of Kyoto and Tourism Behavior around Cherry blossom patterns. Specifically, we set out to find out how cherry blossom patterns might affect the behavior and walking paths of tourists within the city. Data Sets We started by collecting our data sets … Read more

Invisible Barriers, Visible Caregivers

Introduction Medellin, known as the ‘City of Eternal Spring,’ is a Colombian city located between mountains around the Aburra River Valley. According to the National Census, it is inhabited predominantly by women, as 53.3% of the population is composed of women, and a large portion of them perform in areas such as education, healthcare and … Read more


A multidimensional and multiscalar exploration of the emerging Vertical Urban Transportation landscape. [A] INTRODUCTION “Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is a rapidly-emerging, new sector of the aerospace industry which aims to safely and efficiently integrate highly automated aircraft into the NAS. AAM is not a single technology, but rather a collection of new and emerging technologies … Read more

Reclaiming the motorway

The motorway was the symbol of progress during the modern age. The car was the central element of the American dream, and then expanded across the globe, transforming the way we live. Over the years, it has become clear that individual conventional cars are not only good for cities: urban motorways often create physical and … Read more


1. Introduction 1.1. Abstract Autonomous Vehicles are vehicles that employ driver assistance technologies to remove the need for a human operator within the vehicle. These new technologies into automation have been researched in contexts like the United States of America, Middle-Eastern Countries and some European Countries. Planners and architects are designing for these cities including … Read more

Ticket to Ride

Mobility Hubs for Edge Cities to Reduce Car Demand Ticket to Ride gamifies public transportation to reduce car trip demand with a single ticket for all rides at the mobility hub: the new heart of the conceptual Edge City. Why the Edge City? The Edge City is a global suburban spatial condition constructed in the … Read more


Cary is a carpooling platform designed for daily commuters travelling from peripheral areas to the city core. Our innovative ride package, flexible scheduling, and advanced matching algorithm connect drivers and passengers from the same area, ensuring unmatched comfort for frequent travellers. Cary helps save time and money while reducing traffic and fostering connections among users.


will update everything after finals : ) ECOVEY is a project of Urban Shift, developed during the Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA02) at IAAC, the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, by students: Anastasija Vidović (IAAC), Alessa Honetschläeger (WU), Killian Karb (HDM) Erik Allmer (TU Wien) faculty: Chiara Farinea, Fiona Demeur & the Urban Shift … Read more


A través de la Estrategia de RED de Circuitos Terapéuticos Caso de estudio aplicado en la comuna de La Florida, RM, Chile. 2024 1.- Territorio del caso de estudio geográfico: comuna de La Florida, RM, Chile. 2.- ¿es suficiente con EQUIPAR a nuestros Espacios Públicos para obtener calidad de vida? ¿Qué está detrás de las … Read more

ESPINA URBANA. Parque Vertebral Redibuja Santa Fe

En la década de los 70, la Ciudad de México afrontó el desafío de reestructurar su área metropolitana para descentralizar servicios y empleo, facilitando así el acceso a la creciente población del poniente. Santa Fe, anteriormente una zona de minas agotadas y basureros fue seleccionada para transformarse en un moderno centro urbano, aprovechando la disponibilidad … Read more

Rising Waters

The year is 2100. Latin America is sinking. Due to global warming the polar icecaps have almost melted completely. In addition the increased temperature has caused the global water mass to expand by almost 1%. As a consequence sea levels are rising at unprecedented levels globally. The coastline in South America is hard-hit by these … Read more


Santa Fe, Ciudad de México, es un micromundo de transformación urbana que encapsula siglos de historia y evolución. Inicialmente habitada por comunidades indígenas agrícolas, Santa Fe experimentó cambios profundos con la llegada de los españoles, quienes impulsaron la explotación minera. Esto transformó radicalmente su paisaje y economía, convirtiendolo en un importante centro de extracción y … Read more

Red de Sistemas de Circuitos Terapéuticos para la Movilidad Autónoma

Como una de las estrategias de Intervención de los Espacios Accesibles Universales Autónomos. “Red de circuitos de Espacios Accesibles Universales Autónomos, para la recuperación de Espacios Públicos en la comuna de La Florida, Chile” ¿Qué pueden aportar para la recuperación de los espacios públicos, las personas que se les denomina con Movilidad Reducida o con … Read more