Angels’ Games – Collaborative Design Studio

The Master’s in Advanced Ecological Buildings and Biocities (MAEBB) program at Valldaura Labs features the Collaborative Design Studio in its first term, also known as the Introduction to Self-Sufficiency. In recent years, the Collaborative Design Studio has engaged students in designing for and with diverse groups, working across various age groups, from school children to … Read more

BANDY.DUCKS_2.1_Robotic Glazing Choreography

Introduction This project was done in collaboration with Heatherwick Studio. Our starting point was a problem that emerged when patterned ceramic tiles were deployed at scale. Specifically, factory-produced tiles create repetitive patterns, which detract from their crafted intricacy. On the other end of the spectrum, hand glazing is a highly skilled and time-consuming process that … Read more

Emotion Reader: Responsive art Installation

Github: Introduction In the realm of architecture and art, installations serve as powerful mediums to explore the intersection of technology, human emotion, and design. Our project reimagines the relationship between viewers and spaces by creating an interactive structure that reacts dynamically to human presence and emotions. Combining hardware, software, and creative ingenuity, we designed … Read more


This term, we have been focusing on understanding and designing public spaces in the Sants neighborhood of Barcelona. Sants has a unique identity shaped by its long-standing tradition of neighborhood cooperation and pride in its working-class roots, but has faced civic disengagement in recent years. In the studio, our objective has been to leverage public … Read more


In the field of urban planning, engaging citizens and stakeholders in the increasingly complex social and environmental issues of the built environment is one of the major challenges. As a way of looking to attract, persuade, and foster empathy, Quaker can be a potent tool in connecting the community of Poblenou with our project and … Read more

Towards Energy Justice in Informal settlements

A Methodological Approach to Urban Growth and Hybrid Energy Systems in the Global South Why Global South ? Urbanization in the Global South is a defining trend of the 21st century, with over 90% of urban growth expected to occur in low- and middle-income countries by 2050. This rapid expansion has led to a surge … Read more

Design & Communication Interfaces _ BAT (Building Analysis Tool) Interface, Designing for the visually impaired, Enhancing Accessibility in Healthcare Architecture

In response to the increasing global population of visually impaired individuals, projected to reach 18.5% by 2050, our project focuses on enhancing the accessibility of architectural spaces, particularly in primary healthcare centers. We have developed the Building Analysis Tool (BAT), an solution designed to assist architects in creating environments that cater to the needs of … Read more

DEMOCRATIZING CREDIT: A New Paradigm in Lending


The project envisions the use of novel data collection strategies for the purpose of increasing access to formal credit for MSMEs in the F&B Space Across the globe, cities face a pivotal challenge: unlocking the potential of their micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to drive both urban transformation and national economic growth. These enterprises, often comprising over 90% of businesses in developing … Read more


CRONOLOGÍA HIPÓTESIS El caso de estudio presenta un escenario complejo y dinámico, caracterizado por un crecimiento acelerado y no planificado impulsado por el auge de la industria hidrocarburífera. Esta industria ha generado un incremento de  la cantidad de población residente como la pendular, y también ha generado una demanda sin precedentes de servicios e infraestructuras … Read more

Las voces de la ciudad

Este proyecto de investigación nace del interés de comprender la ciudad desde el punto de vista de la experiencia sensible del cuerpo, de lo individual y lo colectivo, de las dinámicas vinculares y las prácticas cotidianas. Desde la visión de que las prácticas culturales imprimen su huella en la trama urbana, y nos otorgan una … Read more


YERBA BUENA CIUDAD VERDE CONTEXTO La provincia de Tucuman se encuentra al norte de la Argentina y es una de las provincias mas chicas del pais, con 22,500 km2 y 1.731.000 habitantes. Esta atravesada de norte a sur por el cordón montañoso del Aconquija que la divide en dos sectores, hacia el este la llanuras … Read more


PUERTO METABÓLICOHacia un frente costero conectado, multipropósito y resiliente AbstractLa ciudad de Buenos Aires ha crecido ganandole tierra al Río de la Plata, a través de rellenos, infraestructuras portuarias, de transporte e industriales que han desplazado ecosistemas clave, generado barreras físicas y desconectado emocional y culturalmente a la ciudad de su geografía ribereña. Este proceso … Read more


Artes y Oficios en el remate del Eje Ferroviario. Sobre el remate norte del ex eje ferroviario, en la ciudad de San Juan, Argentina, se plantea la intervención del trabajo de Tesis. El actual ex eje ferroviario, contiene y alberga una serie de infraestructuras, culturales, cívicas, artísticas, diversas. Este eje comienza del lado sur con … Read more

Collaborative Design Studio – Kindergarten

The Site We worked with the Kindergarten at Colegi Mare de Déu dels Angels in La Sagrera neighborhood Barcelona. This historic school has educated generations of students over nearly the past one hundred years, this year the school decided to bring in IAAC to develop playground structures to improve the exposed brick terraces where the … Read more