Timber V4ult – Energy Systems

We are developing an innovative mixed use project in the Sant Adria de Besos area of Barcelona, the project will hose a modular wood building factory with offices and two floors of residential units as well as public green space. The project represents Besos’ transition from an old industrial area into a cutting edge neighborhood … Read more

Sant Antoni Passport

Urban spaces are not just places to live and work—they are playgrounds for social interaction, historical storytelling, and cultural engagement. As part of the IAAC’s Serious Games Seminar, our team explored Sant Antoni, Barcelona, to design playful interventions that connect the community to its past, present, and future. Our approach combined game design with urban … Read more

Tree Line: Thermodynamic Fabrications

Our project, titled ‘Tree Line’ is a timber saw mill, combining community with industry in the city of Solsona, Spain. The aim of this project is to bridge the gap of knowledge in the public about the milling industry, and bring people closer to the wood that is so often used. It sits within the … Read more

Sunscape Lounge: Thermodynamic Fabrications

Objective – Initially understand local climatic patterns and develop climatically-adapted design strategies.-First design step: develop interior spatial and material strategies adapted to body demands.-Second design step: learn how program can be used from a thermodynamic perspective to generate heat sources and sinks.-Thirdly, develop external massing morphological and material strategies to interact with local sun wind … Read more

Valldaura Labs: Organic Farming

Valldaura Garden Valldaura is a living laboratory for 21st century innovation and self-sufficiency. We practice techniques for small/meso scale agriculture, ensuring that some percentage of our food each week is truly zero kilometer. The farm is an important part of the Valldaura experience, it is where we learn about how to grow high yield organic … Read more

Towards Energy Justice in Informal settlements

A Methodological Approach to Urban Growth and Hybrid Energy Systems in the Global South Why Global South ? Urbanization in the Global South is a defining trend of the 21st century, with over 90% of urban growth expected to occur in low- and middle-income countries by 2050. This rapid expansion has led to a surge … Read more

Green Liminals : Dashboard Interface for Feasibility Study | AI-Driven Budget Optimization Tool  for Urban Sustainable Solutions

Abstract The project explores innovative ways to address Barcelona’s sustainability challenges, such as carbon emissions, air pollution, and energy inefficiency.By leveraging AI, IoT sensors, and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), the project aims to optimize municipal budgets for interventions that transform underutilized urban spaces into productive assets. The study highlights solutions like urban farming, greenery, and solar catchment systems, evaluated … Read more

TRAVELNA / Hospitality for solo travelers

TRAVELNA is an innovative architectural design concept merging the subscription model of services like Netflix with Airbnb’s global accommodation network, tailored for solo travelers frequently moving across major cities worldwide. Subscribers gain access to a curated selection of high-quality apartments—ranging from studios to three-bedroom units—aligned with their chosen subscription tier. To ensure exclusivity and availability, … Read more


Escenarios Futuros de adaptación al cambio climático en las comunidades del distrito Enzkreis, Caso de la comunidad de Neuhausen Introducción Esta investigación aborda los desafíos y oportunidades asociados con la adaptación al cambio climático en las comunidades del distrito del Enzkreis en la región de Baden- Württemberg en Alemania. La reciente crisis energética y la … Read more

Vivir la Mundaú

Caminos para Reimaginar el Territorio Lagunar en Crisis Soy residente de Maceió. Maceió, capital de Alagoas, es una de las principales ciudades del noreste de Brasil, destacándose tanto por sus bellezas naturales como por su papel económico y social en la región. Maceió, del tupí “maçayó”, “maçaio-k”: “lo que cubre el pantano”, está situada en … Read more

Estados Híbridos

Entre Ciudad, Infraestructuras y Paisajes Introducción La costa Este de Uruguay se presenta como un territorio de oportunidad, donde la fragilidad ambiental, la presión del turismo y el crecimiento urbano exigen una visión de urbanismo resiliente. El proyecto propone un modelo que apuesta por la hibridación entre lo natural y lo artificial. En este contexto, … Read more


CRONOLOGÍA HIPÓTESIS El caso de estudio presenta un escenario complejo y dinámico, caracterizado por un crecimiento acelerado y no planificado impulsado por el auge de la industria hidrocarburífera. Esta industria ha generado un incremento de  la cantidad de población residente como la pendular, y también ha generado una demanda sin precedentes de servicios e infraestructuras … Read more