Fields at Play

Fields at Play identifies the value of gender inequality in Olympic infrastructure and proposes to leverage the derived $12.6B Olympic gender gap in sports facilities to fund the revitalization and ongoing program of reliable, safe, and comfortable spaces for women at risk of gender-based violence. Understanding the purpose and outcomes of Olympic infrastructure strategies in … Read more

Invisible Barriers, Visible Caregivers

Introduction Medellin, known as the ‘City of Eternal Spring,’ is a Colombian city located between mountains around the Aburra River Valley. According to the National Census, it is inhabited predominantly by women, as 53.3% of the population is composed of women, and a large portion of them perform in areas such as education, healthcare and … Read more


A multidimensional and multiscalar exploration of the emerging Vertical Urban Transportation landscape. [A] INTRODUCTION “Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is a rapidly-emerging, new sector of the aerospace industry which aims to safely and efficiently integrate highly automated aircraft into the NAS. AAM is not a single technology, but rather a collection of new and emerging technologies … Read more


1. Introduction 1.1. Abstract Autonomous Vehicles are vehicles that employ driver assistance technologies to remove the need for a human operator within the vehicle. These new technologies into automation have been researched in contexts like the United States of America, Middle-Eastern Countries and some European Countries. Planners and architects are designing for these cities including … Read more


Cary is a carpooling platform designed for daily commuters travelling from peripheral areas to the city core. Our innovative ride package, flexible scheduling, and advanced matching algorithm connect drivers and passengers from the same area, ensuring unmatched comfort for frequent travellers. Cary helps save time and money while reducing traffic and fostering connections among users.


will update everything after finals : ) ECOVEY is a project of Urban Shift, developed during the Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA02) at IAAC, the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, by students: Anastasija Vidović (IAAC), Alessa Honetschläeger (WU), Killian Karb (HDM) Erik Allmer (TU Wien) faculty: Chiara Farinea, Fiona Demeur & the Urban Shift … Read more


A través de la Estrategia de RED de Circuitos Terapéuticos Caso de estudio aplicado en la comuna de La Florida, RM, Chile. 2024 1.- Territorio del caso de estudio geográfico: comuna de La Florida, RM, Chile. 2.- ¿es suficiente con EQUIPAR a nuestros Espacios Públicos para obtener calidad de vida? ¿Qué está detrás de las … Read more

Predicting Biking Station Vacancy in Barcelona

Introduction Urban transportation planning relies on data science to explain the conditions driving mobility patterns. This exploration of bicing, Barcelona’s resident bike rental program, analyzes the actors impacting discrepancies in bicing data to select machine-learning strategies able to predict biking station vacancies across Barcelona for the year 2024 with an accuracy of 0.02387. With this … Read more

VeloVerd La Verneda: Urban Synthesis

Incorporating the principles of Industry 4.0, our architectural project redefines urban living by seamlessly integrating sustainable design strategies with advanced manufacturing techniques. With a focus on promoting bicycle culture and health, our industry manufactures bikes. In this module, we synthesised the previous modules into a holistic design. The design principles from thermodynamics, exosystemic structures, metabolic … Read more

Barrio Modelo

Repensando el modelo de Vivienda de Interés Social Mexicano con un enfoque en la sostenibilidad urbana El desarrollo urbano en México de los últimos 50 años ha seguido un modelo territorial extensivo, caracterizado por una baja densidad habitacional y una configuración urbana discontinua. Este patrón ha extendido las urbanizaciones considerablemente, incrementando el consumo de suelo … Read more


UrbanCanvas is an innovative web application designed to provide comprehensive and detailed data for urban areas, empowering users with precise information about plot boundaries, buildings, 3D structures, roads, land usage, and empty plots within a city. This platform seamlessly integrates advanced mapping technologies, data visualization, and analytics tools to facilitate urban planning, real estate development, … Read more

Tetris Town – Resilient Envelopes

To solidify both the thermodynamics principles and the overall image of the Urban Synthesis project we took part in yet another workshop: Resilient Envelopes. Experimenting with new and controversial ecological materials by making 3D and physical models alike helped us develop uniform façade guidelines that continue the idea of pixelation. To better understand the impact … Read more

45 Years of Piracy: Strengthening Global Maritime Security through Non-Military Approaches

Our project embarked on a mission to tackle global shipping piracy without resorting to military action. We faced a major challenge: finding and using publicly available information to craft a proposal that countries and international organizations would support. 1. WHY SHIPPING PIRACY? Within the context of Networked Flows, our directive was to pinpoint potential disruptions … Read more

Espacios Accesibles Universales Autónomos

Abstract. ¿Qué oportunidades para la recuperación de Espacios Públicos se están perdiendo al dejar de lado a las personas con Discapacidad, Adultos Mayores, personas del cuidado, infancia, adolescentes y sus familias cuando se trata de diseño urbano? ¿Qué estrategias se pueden precisar para anclar a la escala de las personas de a pie, del mundo … Read more

Timber Showroom in Trento, IT

Timber Showroom in Trento The Project investigates generative design approaches for optimizing timber construction Systems on both The Support’s level (Tree structure that distributes puncture forces and achieves wider spans) and the Slab’s level (generative Timber Slab reinforcement that follows the Principle Moment Lines generated from FE simulations on pre-given Supports). The objective of the … Read more

Ideas para la Paz

o Corredor Biológico de San José. PROYECTO Se desea expandir el programa del Museo de los Niños a su entorno más inmediato, sus predios y margen del Río Torres, con vistas en la regeneración del borde boscoso existente. A partir de proyectos de reciclaje y agricultura en un modelo de aula abierta vinculado no solo … Read more


El sistema alimentario como pilar estratégico para el desarrollo urbano de la zona 3, Quetzaltenango. Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. C.A El enfoque anteriormente abordado se centraba en la ecología y el cambio climático, exponiendo la situación actual de la ciudad de Quetzaltenango. Se identificaban los procesos alimentarios a través de la industria y cómo estas dinámicas contribuyen … Read more


INTRODUCTION Urbanization poses escalating threats to ecological systems, necessitating the creation of urban ecological commons. This exercise focuses on Mumbai’s metro network, comprising 357 kilometres, 16 lines, and 38 interchanges, as a context for enhancing neighbourhood biodiversity through strategic environment plugins. By leveraging NDVI mapping from Google Earth Engine, areas with high ecological threats and … Read more


A Data-driven Approach of redefining the Accessibility of the Dispersed Urbanity of the Aegean Archipelago Accessibility is a multifaceted concept that expresses the case of access between two points in space. In the context of islands, accessibility is of utmost importance due to their inherent characteristics of isolation and small size. The Aegean Archipelago in … Read more

Remote sensing of the urban sprawl’s pace of Melbourne

urban growth Melbourne

Starting in 2015 urban development spread beyond the administratively defined Melbourne metropolitan area, into Greater Geelong and the Shire of Mitchell. The Melbourne Metropolitan Region or Greater Melbourne comprises 31 Local Authority Governments (LGA, municipalities and shires) aggregated in 6 metropolitan partnerships. Two of them, Inner and Inner South-East allocate the metropolitan core. This project … Read more