ABSTRACT; Decoding Urban Mobility: This project evaluates the impact of AI-driven traffic management versus conventional fixed-timing methods on urban congestion. It analyzes real-time and historical data—including traffic patterns, weather, demographics, and incident reports—from cities like London, Barcelona, and Los Angeles and compares machine learning models (e.g., LSTM, GRU, XGBoost) with traditional techniques. The study identifies … Read more


Recalificación de Áreas Degradadas por la Industria de la Sal, con base en el Patrimonio Cultural y Ambiental, Cabo Frio – RJ, Brasil Introducción La sal es una materia prima de suma importancia para la humanidad, desde el principio el hombre utilizó esta fuente para sazonar y conservar los alimentos y su importancia la ha … Read more


Abstract: Natural disasters, especially earthquakes, often leave roads blocked, buildings collapsed, and maps outdated, making navigation and response efforts highly challenging, That’s where we operate. Our project SeisNAV is an AI-powered platform that combines satellite imagery and computer vision to detect collapsed structures and road blockages, providing real-time mapping and navigation tools for disaster response … Read more

TERRANOVA: Organic Waste to Ecological Wealth

Located in the quiet community of Sant Adria De Besos lies the Besos Power Station. This waste to energy power plant is responsible for providing power to over 10 municipalities of Spain and takes care of nearly half of the waste that comes into Barcelona. While this factory proves to be highly effective, several negative … Read more


NARRATIVE Back to Zero is a regenerative concept that targets oil refineries and other aging infrastructures that pollute our world. The narrative is inspired from the “skin in the game” concept, and calculates lifetime co2 emissions for high emitting “hosts”, which then becomes a target for that same “host” to sequester through the carbon sequestration … Read more

The Living Loop

ABSTRACT This project seeks to transform a plot in Poblenou’s 22@ district into a pioneering model of metabolic co-living and circular urbanism. By leveraging the district’s technological ecosystem and repurposing e-waste from nearby Green Points, the project integrates a localized recycling and up-cycling facility with innovative prefabrication techniques. Modular co-living units, structural frames, and facades … Read more

The Global Story of Cement and Its Environmental Impact

The Backbone of Modernity – Since its invention in 1842, Portland cement has become a cornerstone of modern construction. Its role in shaping cities, infrastructure, and economies is unparalleled, but this comes at a cost. Cement production is energy-intensive, emits significant carbon dioxide, and has become a key driver of global greenhouse gas emissions Cement … Read more

Fields at Play

Fields at Play identifies the value of gender inequality in Olympic infrastructure and proposes to leverage the derived $12.6B Olympic gender gap in sports facilities to fund the revitalization and ongoing program of reliable, safe, and comfortable spaces for women at risk of gender-based violence. Understanding the purpose and outcomes of Olympic infrastructure strategies in … Read more

Invisible Barriers, Visible Caregivers

Introduction Medellin, known as the ‘City of Eternal Spring,’ is a Colombian city located between mountains around the Aburra River Valley. According to the National Census, it is inhabited predominantly by women, as 53.3% of the population is composed of women, and a large portion of them perform in areas such as education, healthcare and … Read more


A multidimensional and multiscalar exploration of the emerging Vertical Urban Transportation landscape. [A] INTRODUCTION “Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is a rapidly-emerging, new sector of the aerospace industry which aims to safely and efficiently integrate highly automated aircraft into the NAS. AAM is not a single technology, but rather a collection of new and emerging technologies … Read more


1. Introduction 1.1. Abstract Autonomous Vehicles are vehicles that employ driver assistance technologies to remove the need for a human operator within the vehicle. These new technologies into automation have been researched in contexts like the United States of America, Middle-Eastern Countries and some European Countries. Planners and architects are designing for these cities including … Read more


Cary is a carpooling platform designed for daily commuters travelling from peripheral areas to the city core. Our innovative ride package, flexible scheduling, and advanced matching algorithm connect drivers and passengers from the same area, ensuring unmatched comfort for frequent travellers. Cary helps save time and money while reducing traffic and fostering connections among users.


will update everything after finals : ) ECOVEY is a project of Urban Shift, developed during the Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA02) at IAAC, the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, by students: Anastasija Vidović (IAAC), Alessa Honetschläeger (WU), Killian Karb (HDM) Erik Allmer (TU Wien) faculty: Chiara Farinea, Fiona Demeur & the Urban Shift … Read more


A través de la Estrategia de RED de Circuitos Terapéuticos Caso de estudio aplicado en la comuna de La Florida, RM, Chile. 2024 1.- Territorio del caso de estudio geográfico: comuna de La Florida, RM, Chile. 2.- ¿es suficiente con EQUIPAR a nuestros Espacios Públicos para obtener calidad de vida? ¿Qué está detrás de las … Read more